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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 6th, 2023

  • if used for work…Features? Don’t care.

    Most organizations care about maintaining document compatibility, especially formatting, and that usually means Office365. Microsoft is notorious for publishing a standard and then ignoring their own standard, making it exceedingly difficult to use other office suites.

    I’ve heard OnlyOffice does the best at maintaining compatibility.

  • Well, I did say (emphasis added):

    I’d be willing to bet that most aren’t or even know about it. Defederating due to what some admins and where the majority of users don’t know

    So are they Nazis if they don’t know they’re sitting at a table with a Nazi? Of course not. That saying only works when they knowingly accept it. It really is as simple as that.

  • To be fair, the Aiel didn’t initially grow up there (and too short for evolution, in my non-scientific brain), but rather migrated there to use it as “a shaping stone to make them, a testing ground to prove their worth, and a punishment for their sin.” And it would be too easy on those three reasons if they were perfectly (or mostly) acclimated and suited for the desert genetically.

  • Isn’t there some overlap between NAT, DHCP and DNS, they feel like they should be the same thing?

    Absolutely no overlap. Now, can a conventional home router do all those? Typically NAT and DHCP, but not too often DNS (except to point at a real DNS). That’s like saying “isn’t there overlap between milk and eggs? I mean, sure, they deal with animals and stored in the fridge, but used for different purposes.”

    Because DHCP is assigning IP addresses, DNS is looking up IP addresses and NAT is saying that IP address points there 👉🏾

    Sure, they deal with IP addresses and some devices (home routers) can do 2-3 of those fuctions, but that doesn’t mean they overlap. I can read a book (IP) and my book (IP) can be stored in a book bag or on a book shelf, but that doesn’t mean myself, the bookbag, and the bookshelf overlap.

  • can you substantiate this claim, that governing by dictate is not an accepted definition"in the political sphere".

    Because it’s context. No, I don’t think there’s an official “when talking about X, only this definition of this word can mean this” book. But I honestly feel like you’re arguing in bad faith or being obtuse on purpose. For example, I feel like you’re arguing “a bad story came out about republicans…how do we know they meant members of the GOP? One definition is “favoring, supporting, or advocating a republic,” so just maybe they’re talking about people who like the game (or characters in) Star Wars: The Old Republic… that’s about republics, and they never mentioned party…now that we’re on about parties, maybe they meant a rave?”

    If you’re not doing that on purpose, let me assure you that when people are talking about a leader of a government (as the President is) and the word “dictator” comes up about them, no one ever means merely someone who dictates. They always mean leader of a dictatorship.

    while we’re on it, what do you define as “the political sphere”?

    Relating to politics, especially members of/in charge of politics.

  • they are literally creating policy by dictate. your pet definition seems crafted to exclude this obvious use of dictate.

    Someone who “dictates” is not necessarily a dictator. These are not my “pet definitions” but accepted definitions of what a dictator/dictatorship is in the political sphere. It’s called context.

    No one in the government should say “I’m going to dictate policy that I have control over, but this policy can be overturned by the other two branches. Thus, I’m a dictator.” That’s not what that word means. You are trying to use a nonspecific definition out of context to justify defending a wannabe dictator.

  • no one is accusing trump of being a knowledgeable statesman.

    That was actually you who linked them, not him. And they shouldn’t be linked. Executive orders are not a dictatorship. But let’s say he meant, even though he’s famous for saying what he means with no filter.

    Even after campaigning for it, holding the office for 4 years, presumably keeping an eye on his successor for 4 years, and now campaigning for it again? You’d think he’d know the basics of what is a democracy, what is a dictatorship, what executive orders do, and what do the different branches of government roughly do…you know, the basics that were taught in middle school, and elaborated on in high school. These aren’t niche laws or obscure cases we’re talking about, but what should be common sense to the common man…much more so for someone who’s running for the job. Willful ignorance is not an excuse, especially at that level…if that’s what this is.

  • every president is a dictator day one, rolling back previous administration policy and implementing their own.

    That’s not what a dictatorship is. A dictatorship is where one person (the dictator) has almost complete control over the government with few, if any, restrictions. Executive orders can only be within the President’s authority, and can also be overturned by Congress or the Supreme Court. To link executive orders to a dictatorship shows a misunderstanding of executive orders, dictatorships, or both.

    Also, in the quote of being a “dictator for just one day,” executive orders were not mentioned, if I remember correctly. And no democratic President should ever think of themselves as a dictator or wish they were one.