• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Aim lower.

    It sounds shitty but there’s merit. Think of it like an RPG, where you grind on low level fodder until you have enough confidence to land where you really want. Also, you may find that people who you’ve generally considered “unattractive “ in the past are actually really great because they’re genuinely decent people.

    Bag a few 2 or 3 girls (by your standards) so you feel confident and good enough about yourself that you’re not in a pit of despair.

    I also noticed is that when you really stop trying, that’s when things tend to happen. Like you have to consciously stop trying. People can smell the desperation and effort a mile away. Confidence is sexy because it comes off as effortless.

  • I have found enthusiast forums and believe it or not YouTube videos to be helpful.

    Now with YouTube reviews, you gotta be a bit discerning. Try to follow personalities who have a lot of experience reviewing or have pretty stringent review measures. For example:

    For any kind of home entertainment information I usually go to Chris Majestic and anyone he works with because he has pretty helpful measurements of how he qualifies products features.

    Reddit has become a wasteland. It’s getting more difficult to find human content on the internet.

  • I’m enjoying Lemmy as a content feed. As an interactive board though not as much. Finding things and rembering where content is can be confusing. Its definitely not as easy or user friendly as other sites/apps. Getting IRL friends to join feels like an impossible task unless they’re pretty interested in tech.

    That said you get what you give and if we want to see more content, we should all interact more.

  • I’m coming across this post after reading an article about how Netflix is bathing in money and now making their options worse for customers, how the most wheel of a Boeing 757 fell off, and a how a country has been so free of criticism for decades that they’re able to commit genocide for over 3 months.

    I’m having a hard time seeing hope in our future. Every company operates solely to extract as much profit as humanly possible (and not as Artificialally Intelligently as possible) without considering for a single moment how a decision they make may effect their relationship with customers or the quality of their product. I know companies are in it to make money, but they used to at least correct decisions in the face of public outcry. (Hell Microsoft did an about face on Xbox One features in 2013 after public outcry)

    But things seem different now. Since the pandemic and the overall regard for human life went up, companies almost feel vindictive and emboldened to do even more to fuck customers over. Its almost like they’re holding a grudge over consumers for considering anything in life over their spending habits from March 2020 - September 2021. After all, the biggest push to “return to normal” was to get the economy back on track. I’ll never forget some asshole on a fox news segment saying “We gotta return to normal people. Yes some people will die, but grandma would sacrifice herself for the economy.” That’s when I lost all hope of things getting better.

    We’ve had the chance many times to change the way we act as a species and potentially make the world better, but somehow we always fail to do so. We’re just fucked.