• 2 Posts
Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 14th, 2023


  • This doesn’t seem very health to me. Your partner doesn’t want another pet, which should be something that gets discussed more. The way you worded it, it almost sounds like your partner doesn’t like pets a lot (but they seem to own a cat already). I feel that’s a point of friction to be addressed. Maybe you like pets more than they do, or maybe there really is a financial reason to wait. Pets, properly taken care of, are very experience from what I’ve heard, and you both already have 2. If both of your goals is to get a home, seeing how getting a 3rd pet would impact your financials is a good step to take. This includes medical costs and some assumption of additional medical costs. Maybe it doesn’t really impact buying a house all that much, maybe it does.

    The fact that you’re fine with making your SO mad is a bit concerning. You really are fine with making them mad, to make yourself happy? Their opinions, nor feelings don’t really matter to you? It seems like you’re almost trying to get a pet to replace the emotional support you would like from your partner. Is there anyway to fix that with your SO?

    Another thing is that, are you both on the same page of what you’re trying to prioritize? He seems to prioritize a home, and for you the priority is getting a pet. The mismatch is the problem more so than each of your highest priorities.

  • Its about convincing people still on the fence with Trump. The most vocal are saying that the jury was a sham. The ones in the middle are less vocal. By not giving vocal Republicans any ammo, it helps make a convincing case to those Republican voters that weren’t hardline republicans/MAGAs. They’re the ones we need along with the voters that switch from the 2016 to 2020 elections.

  • Yeah, so the fact that he wasn’t proves my point. The Judge wasn’t showing signs of wanting to get Trump convicted. Compare that to if Trump is required to be in jail throughout the trail, because he was held in contempt. The right would be saying the judge, and this same verdict, were corrupt. That’s what they’re saying, now but there’s less evidence for them to use.

  • Or a product of the current news setting. You’re basically saying that all R voters are complete idiots when they make up a large portion of the country (not the majority of course). This line of statements encourages R voters to entrench themselves, while not looking great to those on the fence.

    I have friends who I respect that I’d classify as either R or on the fence. Where they get their news (Youtube, TikTok, Fox) is very attractive to their views but also incorrect at times. These sources are, for all intensive purposes, their eyes and ears of the political world. How can they not trust their eyes and ears?

    Some people start to come around because lies start to break apart after a while. Some that are mad that the Covid hoax, which isn’t real, but is also going away in spring of 2020, and can’t really hurt people, still killed their family members. They see glimpses of Trump being an idiot, and dangerous and start to question what they’re being told and weather Biden is such a bad option in comparison. Making it easier for people to change their minds, and not insulting them and their friends, makes it easier to get people to vote blue or not vote red.