I finished Golden Son, the second in the Red Rising saga and moved right onto the third. It’s difficult to get into specifics without spoiling but I can see why people had better opinions of the second book. The pacing was nonstop from one thing to another which was a step-up from the first book that held you in the same setting for 2/3rds of the book. Nothing prepared me for the conclusion either, even though there are a dozen hints along the way. Now I’m wondering how the third is going to top it. I’ve read quite a bit into it so far but it’s only got an ‘okay’ from me, though the second felt the same in the beginning.
I’m planning to wrap up Morning Star in the following week, then I plan to reread Way of Kings in preparation for Winds and Truth next month.
Mistborn is the book that got me into reading! It’s one of my favourite books of all time due to how it changed me haha.
As for my little update. I put Morning Star on pause as I feel a bit burned out with the Red Rising series. I’m at the point where nothing really surprises me anymore and I feel that I’m not as invested as I was with the other Red Rising books.
Instead I’ve jumped back over to doing a Way of Kings re-read. The first time I listened to the audiobook so I’m eager to read it this timearound.