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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • Your assumption of what the graph displays is wrong. Yes, it lacks a lot of information and the post could have clarified more.

    But at the bottom of the graph you can see that the x-axis is years. Which is a strong indication that this graph displays the life expectancy of latin american countries. Whicha quick goolge seems to confirm. And it shows that El Salvador ranks poorly even amongst them. Since most migrants move to a country for a better life, the pool of countries that El Salvador can pull from is rather small.

    But that obviously misses the point that many people who would move to El Salvador on using this opportunity either move there to help improve the situation for the average person. Or at the very least would have enough money to afford a better lfiestyle and not be affected by the average life expectancy. Which obviously is going to be low for a country that suffers from poverty and gang violence as El Salvador does.

    So the “general” assumption of migrants moving to a “better” countries doesn’t quite apply here.

  • Biden is an average to above average president.

    It’s mostly republican lawmakers passing shitty laws in republican states that makes live for many American worse. DeSantis is the one fucking up Florida. Gregg Abott and Ted Cruz are fucking up Texas. Biden has very little influence on that.

    And Biden is fighting the terrible decisions from the previous Trump administration. Were many shitty things are only now starting to show their full efect. Like the increase in higher income tax for lower brackets. Or deregulating coal mining operations that were in place to protect rivers, or defunding the women’s health budget. Most of these things take time for the average person to feel the impact. And Biden is actively trying to reverse some of them. He recently signed a new bill that gurantees funding for women’s health research. Biden rejoined the Paris agreement (which Trump left), with the goal of reducing emissions and combating climate change. And a lot more. But just as with the negative efects taking time to be felt, so does reversing them.

    Biden for some reason just isn’t liked by many Americans. It has little to do with his policies or (in)actions as a president. People like to bring up the geonicde for why they don’t like him. But many of the same people have been critizing him before the situation in Israel even started.

  • Except there are raw ground meat dishes. Beef tartare is raw ground beef and the Mettbrötchen is raw ground pork. So it certainly can be consumed safely.

    The USDA guidelines for food safety are extremely conservative when it comes to spoiling. On one hand it makes sense because we don’t want businesses to gamble with their customers health for higher profits. But it also means people are quick to dismiss them because so many of the guidelines are broken daily without incident.

  • You could start as a ranch hand, especially if you know how to ride. You can work on both a regular ranch or on a “resort ranch” that focuses on tourism. You just have to find a ranch that has around that 20ish employees.

    But then it would fit all of your points. You are spending your whole day with the same group of people.

    Drifting between groups will depend a bit on your exact duties but no matter what you are going to get to know everyone and work with others occasionally.

    New things are constantly coming up to do. Your duties also change with the season. And even if there is “nothing” to do you will still hang out with the other farm hands.

    You have that authority over you in form of the ranch manager/owner.

    Pay isn’t great but it might come with free lodging, then it isn’t that bad.

  • Your calculations to get 100% are right but you are off for the 50% and. You are only considering one specific outcome. But it doesn’t matter if the first question is wrong or the second so the chance is 0.250.75+0.750.25 which is 37.5 or double your answer. We can double check it by looking at it from the other direction.

    The chance of failure is 0.75*0.75= 56.25%.

    So there is a 43.75% of passing the first go around. Split between a 6.25% to get 100 and 37.5% to get 50.

    Same mistake for the second calculations. 44.22% is the chance to get 50%

  • YouTube doesn’t have a say in this, it’s up to the copyright holder of each individual song. YouTube just detects if a song is copyrighted or not then gives the owner the option what to do. The three common ones are

    • Disable the Video.
    • Claim Monetization of it.
    • Do nothing.

    So whoever holds the rights to Phil Collins song is the one responsible for your video being disabled. While whoever holds the rights to the song Joe Schmo decided to go with option 2 or 3.

    This process has mostly been automated. So it feels like YouTube is doing it but they are just following the orders of the copyright holder.

    The system is a bit overzealous in some cases and even fair use gets flagged.That’s on YouTube. But to be fair, it’s very hard to have an automated system detect the difference between fair use and not. YouTube should just implement a better way to dispute false copyright claims.

  • The best advice here is to just not buy new. You can get a refurbished laptop from trusted sellers that will definitely exceed the requirements for under $200. If you are willing to spend up to $300 then there is literally no concerns.

    For example here is a DELL Latitude 7490 Laptop Intel Core i5 8th Gen 8250U (1.60GHz) 16GB Memory 256 GB SSD Intel UHD Graphics 620 14.0" Windows 10 Pro for $192 on Newegg.


    If you don’t like Newegg there are tons of other stores that offer refurbished laptops. I assume you are in the USA and stores you can consider are Target, Walmart, Best buy.

    There is very little risk with refurbished laptops. They are usually tested before being shipped out and if you buy from a legit company they usually offer some kind of store warranty. Walmart for example offers a 90 day return policy for any reason.

    It’s hard to make suggestions on which laptop to get since availability plays a bigger role here. So just look around at your desired budget and pick what you think your kid needs.

    If you think your kid won’t accept a laptop that has a scratch, simply look for “As New”. Then there usually aren’t any visible damages. But if you are fine with some cosmetic damage you can get real bargains.

  • Bush was the worse president, Trump is the worse person.

    I can see a lot of potential presidents in 2001 act the same way as Bush did, especially any other Republican. Even Gore would have gone to war in Afghanistan. Unless of course we go down the rabbit hole of could he have prevented the 9/11 attacks. The Iraq war probably would have been avoided under Gore.

    But I don’t see any other president doing the same damages that Trump did. While the current status of the Republican Party has many people just as bad as Trump, I don’t think they would have the same traction today without Trump.

    And let’s not forget the worst of Trump was prevented. If his coup would have succeeded, he would even be the worse president.

  • I am sorry but this just sounds like today’s society with nothing new added to it. You just said there won’t be any middleman anymore. And just magiced away a lot of issues, which often are solved by the middleman.

    The doctor’s club would still need people to run the club. There needs to be someone your farmers can approach to find an available doctor. They can’t just shout it into the wind.

    Your farmers won’t have the logistics to bring their food to the people. They won’t know how much to bring where. They won’t have the equipment to do so. And if you solve all of these issues they won’t have enough time to farm anymore.

    Universal healthcare isn’t a new concept and doesn’t require people to buy exclusive access.

    And you still talk about compensation but based on your explaining money would be useless. Everyone has free access to these shared specialists.

  • Faking your death should have a really dire reason for it. Just disappearing is much easier and safer. But I suppose the steps aren’t that different.

    Find a country with relaxed visa requirements. Anything where you can get married easily and obtain permanent residency will work. Solo travel to a nearby country. Find some kind of remote tourist attraction where getting lost seems plausible. Tell your friends or family you will go there. But instead of actually going there you take a land route to your final destination. Once you entered the country find someone to get married to to get permanent residency and working rights. Take their name. This step sounds harder than it is, plenty of people are willing to marry someone they just met. Don’t forget you are only doing this for the visa not to actually have a fulfilled family life. So you don’t have to love or even like them,

    You are now in a country no one even thinks about looking for you with a new name. It wouldn’t work if you are running from certain government agencies that are acively searching for you but for most other cases this should be easy enough.

    You can take this step even further. For example Argentina offers you a second nationality/passport as soon as you have a Argentinian spouse. So you could repeat the steps with your new Argentinian name/passport. I am sure you will find some Argentinian willing to marry you and then let you disappear for a couple of thousands USD.