• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


    1. I didn’t state it for EV ranges because my stated ranges accounted for that fact. To say “they can only use 80% of their battery charge” would be misleading in the context of the listed ranges.
    2. This isn’t false you’re essentially saying “you’re right but it’s mostly not the engine” in other words: you’re being a pedantic git
    3. They can disagree all they want, I’m actually correct and have the stats (which you have yet to refute) to back my statements up.
    4. I never claimed to be nice.

  • Imotali@lemmy.worldtoUnpopular Opinion@lemmy.world*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    My statistics come from WLTP. You might want to follow your own advice. Also: pickups and other trucks only account for 12% of cars on road in America. So again, wrong. Confidently wrong, but still wrong.

    Also it’s not anecdotal if I have a plurality of reviewers agreeing with me. The plural of anecdote is in fact data.

  • My numbers came from WLTP which considers EV range “a functional range for which you can safely drive without harm to the systems.” So it already took into account that issue.

    Your anecdotal evidence does not a statistic make. The average fuel efficiency for all cars in the road in America is 25 mpg. This is not counting lorries or other commercial vehicles. The average tank size is 12-16 gallons. You. Are. Wrong.

    But still love the assured confidence.

  • “Climate lunatics” I am 20yo. I can literally observe the climate as being different than it was when I was a child. It is plainly obvious something has changed. What should we call this change in the climate of our planet? Hmmmm… maybe, climate change is an apt descriptor for the change in our planet’s climate wouldn’t you agree?

    As to its existence? I’m not going to debate you on it. Climate change does exist. To deny that is to deny facts and science. To deny it is to deny literal reality. I don’t debate people who live in fantasyland.