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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • Reddit’s far left can be pretty toxic too. As an old liberal myself, I don’t believe that there are any good kinds of hate or discrimination, but if you argue against that kind of crap, the absolute worst people come out to defend it. A good chunk of my negative interactions have been with those people.

    That being said, the Eternal September is real. I don’t know anyone in real life who actually thinks like that. The trouble is, if you have ten million users, a tenth of a percent of them could be assholes and that’s still 10,000 obnoxious assholes.

  • Before y’all miss the point, were the male and female characters designed the way the were for everyone’s enjoyment or for a single demographic’s?

    A single demographic, clearly.

    My wife listens to books on tape basically all the time, and some of those books are pretty horny and treat the character designs of their men in words the same way that One Piece treats the character designs of women in pictures. As such, it seems to me that those particular books are also targeted at a single demographic; and while I don’t think this has actually been studied by anyone that I’m aware of, it seems at least anecdotally that there’s more current written fiction geared exclusively towards straight women than there is geared exclusively towards straight men.

    My point here isn’t “waddabout books, those are bad too”; it’s to point out that the existence of media that’s geared toward the enjoyment of some demographic or another is perfectly okay. One Piece doesn’t need to be aimed equally toward every demographic. Anyone who wants to like it is allowed to like it. If someone doesn’t like it because of the character designs, that’s fine too; the authors of the series aren’t obligated to alter their character designs to appeal to everyone. They can make it however they want.

    This goes doubly for the random art that people post on reddit that r/mendrawingwomen frequently links to. Artists aren’t obligated to appeal to everyone equally. First and foremost, they’re trying to make something that appeals to them. And if people are positioned in a way that some people find attractive and other people find awkward-looking, if that’s the intent of the art, then that’s fine.

    Now, you bring up kids, and I want to say that I think the idea of educating people about the difference between fantasy and reality is important, and that’s how we need to be dealing with misconceptions coming from things like porn. r/mendrawingwomen is not the kind of subreddit that’s ideal for doing the kind of non-judgmental education that needs to be done, though.

  • It’s meant to be anonymous on Reddit, but it doesn’t seem to be meant to be anonymous here. Accountable downvoting seems to me like it’s something that’ll keep the conversation a lot less toxic, and discourage people from just quietly downvoting other people who are participating in the discussion but disagree with them.

    Non-anonymous downvoting is a bad mechanic, particularly since downvotes are tied to a comment’s prominence in the discussion. If you’re too embarrassed to be seen downvoting something, maybe you’re doing something wrong. I don’t have any problem being seen downvoting bigotry or trolling, but if I downvote somebody for disagreeing with me and having a good point, maybe I ought to feel a bit ashamed of that.

  • You probably agree with their reasoning and general premise.

    Now go back and suggest that there isn’t a “good” or “bad” way to draw women, and that being horny doesn’t make you a bad artist or a bad person, and see how that plays out. I bet you’ll get banned, or at the very least downvoted into oblivion. Every dumping sub has some amount of debate about who they’re dumping on, but that doesn’t stop them from being a dumping sub.

    Also, I’ve seen stuff get posted there just for beginner anatomy mistakes. Constantly looking for content to post and dump on (even if it’s a poor fit) is the nature of that kind of sub, because rageboxes reward that behavior.

    Edit: Also, most importantly, those kinds of subreddits leak. The most toxic people in the subreddit (even if the majority are absolutely wonderful people) are the ones who are nasty outside of the sub.

  • Honestly, part of what makes sites shitty is isn’t just the pursuit of profit over all else, but also the Eternal September. On the internet, quantity follows quality – that is, a high quality discussion board with a small to medium population will come into being, then everyone else will start moving toward it, and as more people show up, it gets more and more toxic, until the quality drops. I’m hoping that the fediverse will to some extent be able to alleviate that by allowing people to split off to some extent without having to leave completely.

  • Reddit is going to go into a slow decline. It’s not going to burn down.

    What this is actually doing is allowing other general discussion sites to reach critical mass so that people who are sick of reddit but couldn’t find anywhere else to go (such as myself) have a choice.

    Reddit is like the Wal Mart of internet discussion forums. Some people shop at Wal Mart because they want to, and some people shop there because they drove all the other stores out of business and they’re the only place left.