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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • Honestly, I completely agree with your assesment of the hypocrisy involved. As a second generation British imigrant to Quebec I have never felt like I had any nation of my own at all, and so learning French and adapting to the majority culture seemed obvious. I find the “anglo” identity here of stubborn resistance to all homogenization to be as silly and self defeating as any other nationalistically motivated politics. We are aboard the Titanic, the iceberg is dead ahead, and we are arguing about the arangement of the deck chairs.

  • So this is a local thing to me and I must say that McGill University was 100% complicit in this and was no victim of the US.

    Another fun fact is the Leonard Cohen went through the program. One of the programs tests was to try to make atheists believe in God. Cohen was a very secular Jewish boy at the time of writing “the favorite game”, but as time went on Jesus started cropping up more and more often in his work.

    I’m not saying they succeeded in making him a Christian, but attempts to subliminally I plant Jesus into his psyche might have had some success.