If this apartment building is what you consider slums, you must be super rich.
If this apartment building is what you consider slums, you must be super rich.
With fascism the enemy is always simultaneously strong, and controlling everything, and also weak, and sure to fall to us.
Correct, it is me that kills all the children in your area.
It would be the same thing, just probably can’t specifically call it Orientalism, because he isn’t exoticizing “the east” per se, but he is doing the same BS.
How very american of him
Will they bill Texas for time employees spent on other projects, like they did with the DOD, and probably more than that?
I was expecting this to explode into violence
I have been aware of that area of Homestead for decades, and it has slowly been getting a lot better since the 80s/early 90s. The area it is in is the gentrified part that has been steadily getting more wealth, and less QOL issues, for decades now. It is on 9th right between west and amity, just up from the waterfront.