Just a feller

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • Your viewpoint is beyond disturbing. The idea of exterminating any group of people based on some arbitrary criteria is horrible. You’re talking about human lives, real people with stories, families, and potential. Advocating for their ‘termination’ like they’re just a problem to be erased? It’s chilling. This is not just about right or wrong viewpoints; it’s about basic human decency. Such a twisted mindset has caused untold misery in the past. Your belief genuinely terrifies me.

    Also, ALL convicted criminals? From shoplifting to murder? Where do you draw the line, o’ holy judge, jury, and executioner? Hopefully you’ve never trolled someone before or we’ll have to send you to the gas chambers. Redemption is not allowed in this utopia.

  • The biggest problem with this “us vs. them” mentality everyone seems so eager to jump towards, is that since both sides must always be opposed, you’re now on the side that is against free speech. That’s going to do nothing but strengthen their side and weaken yours. Open your heart to other humans, especially the ones you don’t like. Try to understand them and realize you can hold your beliefs without silencing theirs. How will anyone change if nobody talks to each other? Words are what make us human, they have the power to change everything. It’s how we’ve survived as long as we have. One “hello” from a fellow human can save a suicidal persons life. The only way you can change the world is if you speak your heart and listen to others.

    I know there is a lot of hate and nonsense out there but you’re grouping it all together under one image and painting everyone who doesn’t think like you as the enemy. It’s not helpful. Yes, they do it too, but that’s not an excuse. Be better.

  • Everything you do has a significant impact. When you take care of yourself, love yourself, and proactively change what’s in your control, you inspire those around you. Your actions shape their behavior and perspective. But if you let your hardships get the best of you and you start to harbor resentment towards the world, it negatively affects EVERYTHING in the world. This negative mindset spreads, bringing down not just you, but those around too. Hell, it affects the animals and plants that you come across. Just the pheromones you emit and the way you walk changes peoples paths and their thoughts. Your actions matter. They have consequences. I’m typing this response quickly to balance out your negative post, and it’s making me late for work. It’s time to get your act together. Only you can change your situation. Try to become proficient at something and make a positive contribution to society. Good luck, everything you need to improve is already within you. Just follow your heart, and don’t overthink. Love yourself and you’ll love the world too.

  • Every single action you take ripples outwards to the people around you and on in to future generations. You matter just as much as every living thing on earth and in the universe. If you accept the suffering that is inherent in existence and aim towards being the most innate and true version of yourself, you will get the most meaning and consciousness out of life. We are an interconnected, trippy, murderous, loving, intelligent, massive group of apes all experiencing each other’s psyche together. The world wants and needs you to love yourself.

  • Pretty insidious of you to imply that what I have expressed here is far right, nazism, AND fascism. Do you have any examples where I haven’t been moderate? This is what I meant by downvote brigades, it’s not just the downvotes. It’s the snakelike way in which people (such as you) are arguing with me that I’m disturbed by.

    It’s not splitting hairs about semantics when I’ve been called a nazi (multiple times now) for espousing NOTHING in the realm of nazism, and have in fact only condemned it. That’s a huge problem, and it’s my current focus here.

    I’m against authoritarianism from any side and I’m also against the deceptive bullshit you’re trying to pull.

  • How? Why would you resort to lying? I’m pro choice, I despise Trump, I’m pro gay and trans rights, I believe in UBI for everyone (as well as keeping the free market in place), pro legalization (of every drug), pretty anti gun but I still believe it’s peoples right to own them, I think police should be completely reformed and prisons fundamentally changed to be places of rehabilitation. What opinion of mine shows I’m on the right end of the spectrum? Because I believe in nuance and civil discourse? That I think all humans deserve forgiveness and a chance to grow and become better? Please, do enlighten me.

  • I firmly believe everyone has the right to live freely and to find their own path, provided they don’t harm others. Hate speech and violence have no place in our society, and I wholeheartedly stand with the trans community in advocating for their protection.

    Nonetheless, here’s a viewpoint I have that I know is not accepted, but I’ll share it anyway. I believe the compulsion of speech, particularly insisting that all of society adapt their language to accommodate individual identities, is a terrible approach. The notion of forced speech is problematic to me, and worries me greatly.

    That said, I believe it’s important to work towards a society that respects every person, but without mandating how we perceive them. Life’s journey is all about confronting adversity, and part of this involves learning to navigate the world as it is, not necessarily as we’d like it to be. Instead of dictating specific definitions, it might be more beneficial to cultivate a culture of empathy, understanding, and open dialogue around these issues. This perspective is unpopular and contentious, but it is a conversation that we should be willing to engage in.

    Anyways that’s what I see as the moderate take, and it’s what I believe. I had to tiptoe pretty hard there and I’m sure what I said still comes across as hate speech to some but I don’t feel it is. It’s just my opinion. I wish there was a place I could express it and have an open debate with people about it. We can’t eliminate half of society, and we’re going to have to learn how to empathize with people we disagree with in order to actually see where they are coming from.