I mean they are not wrong, Linux is a very big threat of good cyber security which makes it harder for them to collect information. I am not at all surprised that Facebook views cyber security practices as a threat( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I mean they are not wrong, Linux is a very big threat of good cyber security which makes it harder for them to collect information. I am not at all surprised that Facebook views cyber security practices as a threat( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I would do OnlyFans just for fun if i was female and or attractive
The worst part is that convincing people to use less is difficult even when it’s something easy. Let’s say for example that your dryer brakes and you need to replace it and up until this point you’ve been using either a standard resistive electric dryer or a gas dryer. Heat pump dryers are now readily available, of good quality, and use literally 1/4 the power of a resistive electric to do the same job.
If we could convince everyone to just only buy heat pump dryers from this point forward that alone would create a ridiculous drop in energy usage for drying clothes as it’s a very energy intensive task. But people don’t like things that are different and so convincing them to try it is very hard. I had to basically purchase one for my grandparents to get them to be willing to try it and now they love it but initially they were very strongly against trying
There’s also a bunch of dumb but sometimes arguments. Take LED stop lights for example one of the biggest arguments against them is in places where it tends to snow every year they say oh well they aren’t worth it here because when it snows they get covered and if you put a heating wire on them to melt the snow then you’re not saving any power over the standard ones. But it’s like hello rub a couple brain cells together unless you are somewhere where it snows 365 days of the year you’re still saving the power whenever it’s not snowing which is a pretty drastic amount of power across an entire city or state.
I could sit here and give examples all day but suffice to say convincing people to use less even when It ultimately results in a better end result for them is exacerbatingly difficult
Getting good is an alternative, coding will always be a trade between ease and quality. Super high level languages are super easy and accessible but the tradeoff is you have no idea what is actually happening on the backend nor much control of it and it requires bloated web engines to manage and run.
The vast majority of game engines already have seamless cross platform support. Nothing need be done beyond selecting your target when compiling. Use Vulkan instead of dx11/12 and good to go
I’m not a huge fan of python projects in general, they tend to be wildly unreliable in the long run (more the fault of python itself than the devs but the fact remains) however i am looking for something exactly like this so I’m gonna give it a shot
Maybe it’s been improved, i haven’t used slack in many years now. But i remember it having hilarious issues with state tracking. Trying to go back to old messages would fail half the time it would just scroll up to some random midway point then give up.
Would see notifications of new messages in a channel but didn’t see anything new until reloading slack. Based on what you are saying sounds like they fixed that. Which is good, however I’m willing to bet it still wants 1GB+ of memory just to display some text so bloated/slow still applies ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And no I’m not one of those “just use irc” people. Telegram supports all the modern stickers, files, audio, etc but it’s fast and surprisingly light. But it’s also written in native C++ so that’s more expected
Slow, bloated, buggy af. Name one electron application that doesn’t struggle with state tracking over a long session, even just for simple shit like chat. The browser wasn’t supposed to be a real time application, no amount of trying to bolt it on will ever make it ok
Sure but you’re going to have fairly Limited flow rate or need an astronomically expensive solar still to be able to do the kind of volume at treatment plant needs to be able to do
Not to mention the astronomical amount of energy required to do that. Boiling water is insanely energy intensive at scale you would basically need to dedicate nuclear power plants to treatment facilities
You expect Americans to actually understand anything about their own bill of rights? Seems unreasonable given how uneducated they are
I do love your assumptions. I actually use meat pretty sparingly. My diet mostly consists of random slow cooker meals made with Brussel sprouts, broccoli, asparagus, beans(of various types), potatoes, rice and ofc spinach. In various combinations not allmat once ofc.
It’s easy to make because you literally just toss it into the slow cooker for 8 hrs and walk away and it’s way cheaper per meal than with meat. Chase with bread, salad, or yogurt depending on your mood.
My personal diet doesn’t change reality, there is a significant enough portion of the population that will never even consider dropping meat to keep meat production going strong. I’d rather spend my effort on trying to reduce electrical waste. Like electric dryers for example. Wildly wasteful. Really good high quality heat pump dryers that are basically just as fast exist and they use 1/4 the amount of power. I’ve already talked to several people into getting them, 5 to be more exact. Even just those 5 is a significant chunk of power standard resistive electric are insanely inefficient.
I’ve also been attempting to convince people to go with chest refrigerators. AKA chest freezers but at fridge temperatures as they too will use a fraction of the power. They also don’t lose the entirety of their cold every time you open the door causing them to cycle again. But even that is a hard sell, it’s a little less convenient requires more floor space and makes it so people can’t just throw multiple months worth of random stuff in their fridge and forget about it as it piles up on shelfs. Which is enough to turn a lot of people off the idea
The entire point of my message was that they won’t stop selling, my point was that it’s not realistic to expect a large enough portion of the population to do this for it to matter. It’s just not going to happen no matter what we do
I feel like you missed the part of my message where I said it wasn’t realistic. You are correct that if we could convince a large portion of the population to switch it would reduce profits and ultimately cause the industry to scale down. The entire point of my message was that that’s not going to happen no matter how much you talk about how good it is no matter how many facts you give you are simply not going to get a majority of the population to give up or even meaningfully reduce their meat consumption.
So instead of wasting your time spending your wheels on something that will never happen you could be doing something more productive that actually has a chance of succeeding.
Except it’s not because the industry is not going to reduce its production and instead of being used it will just be thrown away at the store. They would require a significant chunk of the population to get on board with this to such a degree that it forced them to reduce production which will literally never happen there’s other more realistic things we can be doing
Didn’t read the link, but it’s also irrelevant as it would be roughly as effective as asking a statue to dance. You can’t reason someone out of an opinion they made based purely on emotion.
And I’m sure that the article says try to make it about them but that doesn’t work either then it’s a personal attack. They won’t change their minds until it actually for real fully affects them at which point it’s too late to do anything about it
Sooooo whos dick was she sucking to be allowed to keep playing
Yes you can get the emissions per equivalent kilowatt hour of both. Especially since there are many electric generators that are just using a car engine. And it’s a known fact that at least in terms of energy generation larger motors a better conversion rate of fuel to electricity and power plant Motors are quite a bit larger than most cars. Unfortunately I only really have my phone available to me at the moment and I’m a little busy so I don’t have time for much more than these quick replies but over the next couple days if I get a moment I will come reply to this again after finding the actual figures if you haven’t already found them yourself which please do reply to this with them if you find them
Yes, whether your electric plant is coal, natural gas, or honestly even if it was diesel. Larger engines are more efficient than smaller ones. It’s been a long time since I broke down the math over 10 years so my information is probably wildly out of date but even 10 years ago when you broke down the math charging an EV from a fossil fuel plant of any kind was still ultimately more efficient than a gas car in the long term.
Couple that with the ability of many EV now to also act as a battery for your house and that just goes wildly into the EVs favor if you utilize that for peak demand offset. Which many people could do easily even if it meant not having their battery fully charged in the morning when they go to leave for work because let’s face it very few people drive more than 60 miles full round trip in a day so even with their battery at say half they would have more than enough for their whole day plus extra.
It’s because PCI requirements, they offer to store credit card information and PCI compliance now requires that be under a 2FA. Also honestly, you should be using 2FA regardless, make it less annoying by using a proper token Authenticator. Authy is a decent one, avoid Google Authenticator bit Warden also offers a separate program for token Authentication that you can use on your phone.
Tokens are still an extra step but less annoying than having to go check your email for a code. Or you can go the extra mile and purchase something like a yubikey, all you have to do is have it plugged into a computer USB port and it will handle the two-factor for you automatically