• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I’ve given up huge piles of cash by choosing to not work for megacorps.

    It’s worth it to me.

    Confronted with the likelihood that we cannot achieve climate goals.

    The current trend line sucks, but we’ve seen plenty of times in history what the ultra rich ignoring the plight of everyone else looks like. Someone please pass the “not with them” list to me to sign when it’s time to chop their heads off.

    I wish I was joking, but I’m not. Seriously. I’m not with them. I would like to keep my head while we adjust course abruptly.

    Edit: To be clear, I am not advocating. What should happen is that our climate, inequality, and injustice trends get fixed through peaceful cooperation. But our current crop of billionaires don’t show a lot of sign of either wanting that, or having any real awareness of where their current path, historically, goes. Which wouldn’t really be material to me, other than beacuse I’m at risk both from the climate, and from how guillotines historically kill a lot of bystanders.

  • MajorHavoc@lemmy.worldtoRPGMemes @ttrpg.networkOl' Reliable
    7 months ago

    I like to roll a d4.

    4 - Adlib an outcome that is favorable to them, beyond all reason. With my players, sometimes this just means nothing at all happens. In these cases I’ll use anything to make it work out for them, from divine favor, to a key NPC breaking rank “I always loved you guys!”

    3 - They achieve what they hoped for, and as many weird (but reasonable) side effects as I can think of also happen.

    2 - As little happens as is reasonably possible. Often, with my players, that means just 6d6 fire over a 20ft radius. Often after having whatever they tried misfire first, only to have them try again.

    1 - I unpack a nice handful of d12 and roll for blast radius, save DC and damage.

    Modified, of course, for the situation.

    Specific damage on a 2 or 1 should - like anything they couldn’t reasonably prepare for - be attention grabbing, but unlikely to be lethal. A 2 should as anticlimactic as reasonably possible.

  • In epic scaled games, I work around this with a “reroll at -20”. So the rogue in this case would have had about a 25% chance to recover on a DC10 check.

    I also always include an in-game explanation. In this case, I would have made it a huge flashy “boon of insight” from the Paladin’s deity.

    Then it’s all the more fun if the rogue actually manages the re-roll. “Dude, I even tricked your god!”

    I would also RP right into it. “A voice from on high intones ‘I dunno, seems legit, to me.’”

    Similarly if the rogue actually fails:

    “A voice from on high intones ‘Seriously, you need to stop falling for this crap. I’m going to send you an amulet of insight or something. What’s your next stop?’”