President Camacho would be a marked improvement.
President Camacho would be a marked improvement.
Ah, not a team player I see.
I’ve got three meetings and an unscheduled emergency requiring 90% of the IT staff to sit on a conference call that says you’ll be staying late Friday, too.
I’m curious what the actual data looks like.
I’m sure it will be available for purchase shortly.
Came here looking for Grey, was not disappointed.
It’s a big club, and you ain’t in it.
See, but they’re no longer giving bread and circuses. They’re charging out the ass for all of it.
My mom smoked and drank through all three of her pregnancies. Maybe more. I was young at the time. Go me.
One of those games where the server is shut down without any player-hosted options. Fuck immortality, I want out.
As a lifelong fattie, I have been assured for decades that all I have to do is eat right and exercise but I’m just too lazy so I deserve what I get. Tiny invisible creatures can affect my health? Next thing you’ll be telling me is that having my outhouse next to the well is causing my family to get sick. We both know it’s demons. FFS.
Please excuse me while I crawl back into my depression hole, partially mitigated by SSRIs, which somehow also induce GI issues for reasons completely unknown to science. Can’t wait for RFK’s camps, maybe I can finally get healthy there.
Similar, but not the same. The routine of it all produces a lot of internal friction. I do get lost in my thoughts, but it’s deep rumination. No dopamine, just anger and hopelessness. I will dissociate before a shower because I know what’s coming. Just standing there staring, knowing I need to physically move and not doing so. Then when the water’s off it’s more standing there not moving. More dreaded routine incoming. Then when I’m out and the post-shower stuff is taken care of, it’s sitting on the bed, staring at the floor or the wall or my phone. Sometimes it takes 3-4 hours start to finish.
It doesn’t help that the shower is in disrepair and I can’t afford to fix it properly (too much spent on larger house problems that took precedence). But that won’t be a problem soon since I also can’t afford mortgage payments.
I’m coming up on a year of group therapy multiple times a week to go along with individual therapy. I’ve learned a lot, both about myself and mental health in general, and it’s kept me sane-ish. But I won’t have to worry about that soon either as it’s only a matter of time before the orange shitgibbon’s goons take a torch to Medicaid.
On the plus side, I managed to get a second denial from SSDI before the brownshirts get their crowbars into that too. I’m not disabled, they say. I’m just a simpleton that can perform simple tasks and follow simple instructions. A simpleton in the 97th percentile for IQ. Thanks, I guess.
But yeah, the shower is basically a soggy Tardis.
The gamecube had an expansion port
Three ports, actually. One for network, one for the GBA player, and one that wasn’t used as far as I can recall.
and a handle.
I doubt this will hold up now that they’re owned by Walmart, but I’ve gotten exactly zero ads on Vizio panels since I first bought one in 2017. I have two at the moment and they’re both effectively dumb displays with no network access.
I’ll be borrowing that one.
There are
dozensthousands of us!