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Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • “literally”

    You keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means.

    However, the book DOES have “literary importance,” as determined by it winning the National Book Award, winning the Kirkus Prize, and being a Pulitzer finalist.

    Though I notice elsewhere in the thread you refer to those as “literature prices” multiple times, and would like to point out that they are, in fact, “prizes”. Prices are the cost of things you buy at the store. Prizes are awarded for achievement in a given field.

    As such, I do not believe you are fit to be the arbiter of what gets to be taught in English class. It is clear you could use a few lessons on the subject yourself, and besides, before espousing that a book should only be taught in one type of classroom (Social Studies) and not another (English), a person should probably read said book. You clearly haven’t.

  • The title of your post begins as “Controllers are good for FPS games, especially on PC”.

    Now it’s about having fun and a lower barrier of entry, not competitiveness.

    It’s fine you prefer controller, but you’re moving the goalposts here. The title and body of your initial post isn’t about having fun, it’s about what is “good for fps games.” K&M is, I’m sorry to tell you, objectively better in that sense.

    Side note, as for your “lower barrier of entry” for a controller part, you also specified from the beginning, “especially on PC”. If you’re playing on PC specifically, you already have a K&M. A controller is not a lower barrier of entry on that platform, it’s an additional purchase vs. something everyone on that platform would already own.

    You’re using a list of inconsistencies to deny why you are “objectively wrong”.

  • The Cytoverse series by Brandon Sanderson, starting with Skyward. Age appropriate, female protagonist, sci-fi.

    Also, I see someone else in this thread recommended Blood Meridian, and I feel like I should say that’s not a good recommendation for that age group. It’s a good book, and Cormac McCarthy is a great writer, don’t get me wrong, but it is also bleak, super violent, and dense.

  • Not a movie, rather a show, and also not complete yet, but The Dragon Prince on Netflix is pretty good. The titular prince is a dragon, but there are human princes as well, with one becoming a king actually pretty early on. And King Ezran absolutely tries to bring people together peacefully and with honorable intentions, though there is some action/fighting as well. Caveat, while it is a kids show, it might be thematically better for kids a bit older than 6, as some of the themes can be a bit dark for a kids show, but I’d just recommend you watch a couple eps yourself before showing it to the kiddo and decide for yourself if it’s appropriate.

    Also, someone else mentioned Avatar: The Last Airbender in this thread, which is also excellent, and if you happen to be familiar with that show, it has a lot of similiarities and it’s some of the same writers and directors of that show.