Amateur writer, occasional streamer.

See my website for more information.

Formerly a transcriber for r/TranscribersOfReddit, I occasionally do freelance transcriptions on Lemmy in my spare time.

  • 26 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • Image Transcription: YouTube Comment


    “Debugging. The game where you are the criminal, the victim, and the detective at the same time. But you probably don’t know where the crime took place, or what it was. But there definitely is a crime.”

    I am a human who transcribes posts to improve accessibility on Lemmy. Transcriptions help people who use screen readers or other assistive technology to use the site. For more information, see here.

  • Image Transcription: Code

    [Transcriber’s note: the first line in the following transcription is incorrect. After the equals, there should be eight instances of the word “Option”, each succeeded by a less-than symbol, then two brackets, like (), before the first greater-tha symbol. However, if you type a less-than symbol on Lemmy, it seems to strip that symbol and whatever word comes next out of the source when you save the comment.]

    type Wtf = Option>>>>>>>;
    let two = Some(Some(Some(Some(Some(Some(None))))));
    let three = Some(Some(Some(Some(Some(None)))));
    let six = Some(Some(None));
    unsafe {
            std::mem::transmute::(two) * std::mem::transmute::(three)

    I am a human who transcribes posts to improve accessibility on Lemmy. Transcriptions help people who use screen readers or other assistive technology to use the site. For more information, see here.

  • Image Transcription: Meme

    Junior devs writing comments:

    [A photograph of a road signpost in front of a metal fence with a low, long building in the distance. The post has two signs on it. At the top is an octagonal sign, filled red with a white outline, reading “STOP”. Beneath it is a rectangular sign with an arrow pointing up to the stop sign, and text reading “THIS IS A STOP SIGN”.]

    I am a human who transcribes posts to improve accessibility on Lemmy. Transcriptions help people who use screen readers or other assistive technology to use the site. For more information, see here.

  • Image Transcription: Code

    Rounds=int(input("Enter the number of rounds."))#So hat the number of rounds get inputss.
    Control_variable=0#Unitialising the control variable.
    while Control_variable<Rounds:#It will run until the number of rounds is reaches.
      Player_1=input("Rock, paper, or scissors?")#Player 1's turn.
      PLAYER_1=Player_1.upper()#Turns the user input into uppercase.
      Player_2=input("Rock, paper, or scissors?")#Player 2's turn.
      PLAYER_2=Player_2.upper()#Turns the user input into uppercase.
      Points_1=0#Player 1's points start at 0.
      Points_2=0#Player 2's points start at 0.
      if (PLAYER_1=="ROCK" and PLAYER_2=="SCISSORS" or
         PLAYER_1=="PAPER" and PLAYER_2=="ROCK" or
         PLAYER_1=="SCISSORS" and PLAYER_2=="PAPER" or
         PLAYER_1=="ROCK" and PLAYER_2=="PAPER"):#If Player 2's choice is better Player 1's choice.
        Points_1=Points_1+1#Player 2 gets 1 point.
      elif (PLAYER_1=="ROCK" and PLAYER_2=="SCISSORS" or
        PLAYER_1=="PAPER" and PLAYER_2=="ROCK" or
        PLAYER_1=="SCISSORS" and PLAYER_2=="PAPER" or
        PLAYER_1=="PAPER" and PLAYER_2=="ROCK"):#If Player 1's choice defeats Player 2's choice.
        Points_2=Points_2+1#Player 1 gets 1 point.
      elif(PLAYER_1==PLAYER_2):#If bothof them make the same choice.
        Points_1=Points_1+0#Nothing happens.
      else:#If anything else happens.
        print("Error.")#Printing an appropriate message.
      Control_variable+=1#Round is over.
    if Points_1>Points_2:#If Player 1 has more points than Player 2.
        PLAYER_1=="SCISSORS" and PLAYER_2=="PAPER" or
        PLAYER_1=="PAPER" and PLAYER_2=="ROCK"):#If Player 1's choice defeats Player 2's choice.
        Points_2=Points_2+1#Player 1 gets 1 point.
      elif(PLAYER_1==PLAYER_2):#If bothof them make the same choice.
        Points_1=Points_1+0#Nothing happens.
      else:#If anything else happens.
        print("Error.")#Printing an appropriate message.
      Control_variable+=1#Round is over.
    if Points_1>Points_2:#If Player 1 has more points than Player 2.
      print("Player_1 wins.")#Printing an appropriate message.
    elif Points_2>Points_1:#If Player 2 has more points than Player 1,
      print("PLayer_2 wins.")#Printing an appropriate message.
    elif Points_2==Points_1:If both the points are the same.
      print("It is a tie.")#Printing an appropriate message.
    else:#If anything else happens.
      print("Error.")#Printing an appropriate message.

    I am a human who transcribes posts to improve accessibility on Lemmy. Transcriptions help people who use screen readers or other assistive technology to use the site. For more information, see here.

  • Image Transcription: Greentext


    [Image of a feminine anime character with very pale red hair, pink eyes, blush under the eyes, and an open mouth.]

    >Install the Linix operating system

    >Suspicious black van is parked outside my apartment and doesn’t move

    >Black cashier at the grocer made weird hand gestures at me

    >Every second night at 8 PM a car will circle past my window and honk exactly 3 times

    >Every new month someone will leave a piece of litter in my mailbox

    >Start receiving silent calls from random numbers every time I do the laundry

    >Coworker talked to me about his dog in-person, next morning all youtube ads are about dog food and dog toys

    >Stopped by a burger stand one day on my way home, all my bookmarked blogs running google adsense start advertising McDonald’s exclusively

    >My hotmail account is suddenly flooded with spam mails about alien abductions

    I am a human who transcribes posts to improve accessibility on Lemmy. Transcriptions help people who use screen readers or other assistive technology to use the site. For more information, see here.

  • Image Transcription: Meme

    [Four images of toilet roll holders, each with text above them.

    The first shows a toilet roll holder holding a partially-used roll of toilet paper. Its text reads, “Non-zero value”.

    The second shows a holder holding a completely used roll of toilet paper, leaving just the cardboard tube. Its text reads, “0”.

    The third shows a holder with no toilet roll or cardboard tube on it at all. Its text reads, “null”.

    The fourth shows no holder; simply plain wall. Its text reads, “undefined”.]

    I am a human who transcribes posts to improve accessibility on Lemmy. Transcriptions help people who use screen readers or other assistive technology to use the site. For more information, see here.

  • Image Transcription: Code

    bool is_prime(int x)
        return false;

    [Beneath the code is a snippet of console output, as follows:]

    test no.99989: passed
    test no.99990: passed
    test no.99991: failed
    test no.99992: passed
    test no.99993: passed
    test no.99994: passed
    test no.99995: passed
    test no.99996: passed
    test no.99997: passed
    test no.99998: passed
    test no.99999: passed
    95.121% tests passed

    I am a human who transcribes posts to improve accessibility on Lemmy. Transcriptions help people who use screen readers or other assistive technology to use the site. For more information, see here.