Some IT guy, IDK.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 5th, 2023


  • I’m generally more of a Debian user, when I use Linux at least, so anything red hat based doesn’t even occur to me to recommend. I generally don’t get involved in distro discussions though.

    My main interaction with Linux is Ubuntu server, and that’s where my knowledge generally is. I can’t really fix issues in redhat, so if someone is using it, I’m mostly lost on how to fix it.

    There’s enough difference in how redhat works compared to Debian distributions that I would need to do a lot of work to understand what’s happening and fix any problems.

  • I dunno if I’d say any distro of Linux is really beginner friendly.

    It takes quite a bit of learning the ins and outs of operating systems before Linux makes sense in any capacity.

    If you’re just looking to run a few basic apps like discord/slack/teams/zoom, and run a browser, then sure, just about every distro can do that without trouble, and can be configured to be as “friendly” as Windows, with a few exceptions.

    But anybody who wants to do intermediate/advanced stuff with little to no prior Linux knowledge? I’m not sure any distro is much easier than others. Again, with a few exceptions.

    The exceptions are distros that are almost intentionally difficult to use, or that require a high level of competency with Linux before you can attempt to use it.

    There’s always a learning curve, that learning curve is pretty much always pretty steep.

    I’ve been using Linux for dedicated servers for a while and I don’t use Linux as a desktop environment, in no small part because despite having a fairly high level of competency with Linux, I don’t feel like I know enough to make Linux work for me instead of the other way around.

  • Got a pretty bad case of food poisoning last month. Didn’t really eat anything for a couple of days.

    My SO had it worse. She was throwing up almost everything she ate for over a week. After about 4-5 days, I was like. I’ll drive you to the emergency myself, but I can’t force you to go.

    She ended up waiting like three more days after that and calling her primary care physician.

    She’s mostly better now but it was the worst I’ve ever seen her.

    For better or worse, she did lose a decent amount of weight during that week+ of being sick.

  • Well, I’m probably going to try to get my ccnp for kicks. I’ll re-do my CCNA, then do my ccnp. By the time I go for my NA cert I’ll pretty much be ready to go for the np cert.

    I’ll build a new resume emphasizing my network stuff, though my resume is already fairly heavily focused on networking as is, and try again.

    I’m pretty happy with my job in almost every way, I know most of the things I would need to know to be successful, despite it being a more generalist position, and my co-workers are cool. Management is better than most, and the pay is more than the last two generalist positions I’ve worked, plus it’s work from home, so I’m pretty comfortable where I am for now. The pay, despite being higher than I’ve gotten previously, is a pretty far cry from what I probably deserve, just way too low, under $55k USD (I’m not in the US, but the conversion puts me under 55). From what I’ve seen online, median salary for a systems admin, which is basically what my job mostly entails, is around $73k USD… So I’m around $20k/yr shy.

    I know network admins are similar, depending on the complexity/importance of the network they administrate. I’m aware of people in networking that are making more than 100k USD a year; and right now I consider that to be where things start to cap off for networking. I’d be pretty happy with $73k USD.

  • I feel this, especially since I’m more into networking, but my work is more generalist.

    I open my mouth about networking and people’s eyes glaze over. Even very experienced senior people can’t really understand what I’m talking about when it comes to some of the more intermediary networking concepts. Meanwhile I tune into a podcast that’s networking focused and they’re basically speaking Latin for me.

    There’s so much that I don’t know. I get the broad strokes of things but I’m hopelessly lost on so many of the more nuanced bits of networking.

    I really want to break away from generalist work and get into a network focused position, but after 10 years as a generalist in various MSP companies, most places won’t take me seriously as a networker and won’t even sit down for an interview.

    I’m good at other stuff, damn near expert level with some things, but my passion is networks and the workplaces I’ve been at just don’t care to help me learn any of it. My current place barely has any networking more complex than a profile based L2L VPN… Switches are basically ignored, and VLANs are rare.

    I facepalm every time I discover that the guest network is just bridged into the same subnet as the LAN. I’ve raised the issue a few times and never been given the green light to fix it, often because the network isn’t able to be managed remotely.

  • Oh yeah, I’m not saying it’s good, just less bad.

    Now instead of being crammed into a single option, you get the “choice” of several (probably equally bad) options.

    Honestly, everything should just conform to standards, and it’s up to the browser to support those standards. If your browser doesn’t support it, well, good luck.

    Not this bullshit of “your browser isn’t compatible with this website”. Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

  • It pays for me to push it off. I own my car and I’m not really using it. So I pay very little in fuel and maintenance because the vehicle sits in my driveway most days.

    I can afford to wait.

    When the day comes that my vehicle is no longer viable, then I’ll consider my options. For now, I’m happy to sit on my hands. I work from home, and the only time I get in the car is for rare site visits for work or occasional leisure activities, like grocery shopping or running other errands.

    When that time comes, I’ll have to consider if I even still need a vehicle or if my SO and I should just share one.

    All concerns for the future. I’m excited to see what happens with sodium and solid state over the next decade, and I have no problem waiting to see before I make any decisions about my needs. Hopefully we get some progress before I have to make that decision. I spend so little time in the car right now that it would be a shame to spend tens of thousands of dollars on a newer vehicle for it to sit in my driveway.

  • MystikIncarnate@lemmy.catoxkcd@lemmy.worldxkcd #2948: Electric vs Gas
    9 days ago

    They’re still working on this. I’ve more or less been holding my breath on the battery tech.

    I want to see, either easily recycled materials that are common (sodium cells seem to fit here), or batteries that last the useful life of the vehicle and beyond (solid state batteries are a good example here). I don’t really care which.

    Cheap sodium based batteries, with adequate recycling technology would be a fine solution. Alternatively, even fairly “expensive” (in terms of rare metals) solid state batteries, would also be fine, since a single set of batteries may survive over several vehicles, depending on what solid state batteries can do when they finally hit the mass market.

    I just don’t want to have to replace the battery at nearly the cost of a whole ass new EV, well short of the useful life of the rest of the vehicle. Either the battery cost and environmental impact comes down, or we remove the need to replace the batteries with a version that lasts as long or longer than the rest of the vehicle.

    I like EVs. I want an EV. I don’t want to buy the current EVs on the market.

    Also, if any vehicle designers are reading this, can we cut the shit where anything hybrid or EV looks ridiculous? IMO, a big reason why Tesla was so successful, is that they made it into a car. The model S, though unique in design, isn’t a significant departure from pretty much every other sedan, in terms of design. Compare with something like the Prius, which is generally only a funny looking hatchback, or the Volt… Which also looks pretty dumb IMO. Just give me a regular car.

    … Okay, the Prius and Volt probably aren’t the best examples. I’ll put a better one here… The BMW i3. Just… What the hell.