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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • So many.

    Curse of Strahd in 3.5: Who knew Con damage to a mostly spell caster group could be dangerous not just once but 4 times. In comparison both fights were Strahd were a f**ing walk in the park.

    More of a test game than an actual campaign: We were testing if a CR appropriate group of goblins with levels vs a group of players would play out for the players: Well as it turns out I suck at calculating CR so our first fight was 5 players vs 5 goblins level 15 (Same as players) plus 10 starting goblins. We adjusted it for a correct CR and it was still a massacre. Ambush is a HELL of an advantage.

    Anything goes campaign. Well turns out anything goes for the DM too so Level 3 half colossal half minotaur barbarian opponent with a posse of gobs with a ballista safely away means players die every other round or so.

  • Well now, I’m not offended or anything, you asked a question and I’m answering it with my opinion. That’s just it, where do we draw the line? What about travel books? On the origin of species was written on the other side of the world in a time where that kind of travel was crazy dangerous. is that an isekai? What about Woman marrying against her will and going to another city far enough away she know no one or anything and especially not the local customers? What about Rabbit the great and powerful? He travels from one kingdom rules by necromancers to a world where magic itself is different. is that enough travel? Your question is valid. The answer is no, not because you asked a bad question but because the more you stretch the definition the less it means anything. Pride and prejudice isn’t an isekai. If you broaden isekai to cover it than you just made it into the word: Book.

  • I’d ask first and foremost WHAT did you like about it and which part. Leaving my personal crazy theories out There is a HUGE tonal shift at the end of book 4. Did you like it more before that? After that? Did you like the magic? Did you prefer the sorta mysteries?

    Did you love reading about those people growing and changing?

    Personally i cannot recommend enough Superpowereds by Drew Hayes. 4 books and a few side stories, set in college and has that adventure and fantasy feel with a serious mystery woven through the whole series.

    BUT i pretty much have never reread any of the HP books after 4 once the 7th came out.

    If you liked the later books and the coming of age than Yes, Percy Jackson, the first few books at least capture a lot of that grim dark coming of age in a world that was messed up by the previous generation.

    I would also recommend the Books of magic. The novels have no mystery but they “inspired” HP a lot.