#Blind vocalist, skier and #a11y / #accessibility enthusiast studying voice at Eastman School of #Music. Advocate for #Braille& #MusicBraille / #BrailleMusic availability as well as digital #MusicNotation software accessibility. Proud #Maine islander. Words matter. Personal account; views expressed are my own and not affiliated with any institution, organization, employer, etc. Follows, reblogs, and favorites ≠ endorsements. Posts searchable via Tootfinder. 🌻 #fedi22
@fastfinge @main Interesting. Last time I tried it, it did not play nicely. Down arrowing through the page would cause it to autoplay more and more videos, so I could only look at a tiny subset of the page without it jumping to a new vid on me.
@BlindAllDay @mastoblind @main It’s pretty much everything in general. I have no vision to work with, so turning off VoiceOVer and just poking around is not at the top of my list of things to do. Am hearing that’s pretty much the only option though.
@mastoblind @main Update: Seems FF and JFW do indeed play nicely with Google Docs. Considering trying the move once again. If Google indeed kill off ad blockers like uBlock Origin, I’ll have little to no choice.
@TheQuinbox @mastoblind @main Unfortunately, I do not have the answers. All I know is that I cannot plug-in an exfat drive. When I plug it in, I’m prompted to format it as fat 32.
@mastoblind @main Today, I learned that the BrailleNote Touch Plus also does not support drives formatted as exFAT. Why is this a big deal, you ask? Because the external drive which holds a synchronized copy of my Box folder is formatted as exFAT, and I can’t reformat it as FAT32 without fiddling around in Powershell. Wonderful. Just wonderful. /s
PS: The extreme irony is that the Mantis Q40, which is also manufactured by Humanware, handles this drive with no problems whatsoever.
@Ryok141 @jdking92 @mastoblind @main This is an incredibly detailed and excellent write-up. Thank you so much. This really should be archived somewhere for easier visibility.