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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 24th, 2023


  • The great leap forward was such a colossal clusterfuck that you can’t blame it on any one thing (although most of them would be prevented without the authoritarianism). Literally everything was wrong. Sparrows, lysenkoism, forced collectivization (basically, and perhaps ironically, farmers not owning the means of production), Mao just being evil, backyard burners, rigid chain of command that gave the chairman absolute authority but at the same prevented him from knowing what was going on, everything.

  • Every platform is nice at the start, for mainly the reason you say: people who join early have an interest in the platform, so we actually try to keep it nice.

    Then every successful new platform gets its own eternal september. A large influx of people who don’t care about the platform at all, they just want to use it to talk to people. And of these, yes many are still nice people, but also many aren’t.

    You see this in all kinds of communities, not just online. If you’re in a new or niche hobby, everybody there will have an interest in improving the hobby and the small community, so it will probably be very nice. When it gets mainstream (I’m looking at MTG here, but other people probably know other examples) then it starts to attract people who do nothing but complain.

  • This really depends on the bully.

    Some want attention - they want your reaction, often your overreaction so they can make themselves look like a victim. In these cases, ignoring them for a while will probably make them move on to the next target.

    Some want power - they want you to look weak so they can look strong. They like the feeling that you can’t do anything to them. Ignoring these will make them continue. Here you have to fight back.

    And yes, usually you don’t know what your bully wants.