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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: November 15th, 2023

  • Researchers Logan, King, & Fischer-Wright, discovered that there are 5 social-process levels ( they misidentify as “stages”, but caterpillar-moth is stages, & reversible modes are not irreversible, as stages are ), & that conspiricism is produced in level2.

    They published a popular book, in order to get the core of their research into the understanding of people in organizations, where it could do the most good.


    • Level4 - WE are awesome, THEY are what we are competing against.

    • Level3 - Narcissism-culture. Doctors are the exemplars of it. It took me until my mid-50’s to realize that raised-by-medical-professionals syndrome IS raised-by-narcissists syndrome, even though I’d read a book identifying the entire pattern of damage in the children of such, back in the 1980’s ( sometimes I’m not quick ). Dad was a medical-researcher & a doctor. That insight is spot on. You want 2 independent proofs? 1. dress professionally well, a quality suit, & walk into any 4 hospitals ( averaging the results ), & count the percentage of lower-level people, including cleaning-staff, who are upright & meeting your gaze as equally-valid humans. None is likely to be the percentage: their validity has been disallowed/negated by medical-culture. 2. record video in clinics/hospitals, in the hallways, of people interacting, leaving-out any audio: video-only, & record it so it plays-back in slow-motion. When you watch it in slow-motion, because your unconscious won’t be automatically-hiding the class-establishing bodylanguage, due to the wrong-speed, you should be able to see the narcissism body-language screaming from doctors. The 1st time I became conscious of it, it was stunning, and my having never seen it, in decades, … shaming.

    • Level2 - Subject-to-narcissism’s-dominion culture. Conspiricism breeds in this level.

    • Level1 - gangs/inmates/nihilism culture. Mass shootings. Manufactured into inmates, manufactured into gang-members, etc. This has the motivation & the leverage to butcher the whole of the rest. Notice that there were over 600 mass-shootings in the US in 2023, and that homelessness is skyrocketing, simultaneously… That isn’t “mere coincidence”. Given the political-dominion “solutions” being enacted there, the percentage of the population in Level1 is going to be significantly increasing, with all the consequences of that.

    Those who are helplessly subjugated beneath narcissism’s dominion, are likely to become conspiricist, exactly as Logan, King, & Fischer-Wright identified.

    Actually, it’s natural.

    IF prohibited from being validly-human, THEN become some other kind of validity, ( “displacement” is it called, in psychology? ), and being “the conspiricist who gets information 1st” is a kind of validity that can exist in the level beneath narcissism’s dominion.

    Since validity’s a basic & fundamental unconscious-mind need, … this is going to happen.


  • “access through your institutions”…

    So, I’m blocked from reading it.

    EDIT: Found an alternative, I think:


    No matter.

    1. Wasp-researchers in the Americas ( don’t remember if central or south, sorry ) discovered that altruism is generalized mothering.

    IF there isn’t much need for mothering in this nest, THEN go provide mothering in other nests, even-though wasps are … aggressively competitive critters according to them.

    This isn’t the version I’d read before, but it’s the same research:


    That is 1 evidence-based-science identifying altruism’s root.

    1. AwakeSoulism/Buddhism has been insisting that altruism is generalized mothering for 25 consecutive centuries, and the phrase “all our kind mothers” meaning all other Souls/Continuums who’re lavishing lessons on us, is the current rendition of that ( though Buddhism’s people often forget to differentiate between the local person/mind vs the eternal Continuum that currently is trapped in an individual-life/incarnation )

    1. In the Abrahamic religions, they have a story in Genesis, where women “ate of the fruit of the Knowledge of Good & Evil”, which means Morality, and having eaten Morality, they shared it with men.

    Mothering the root of it, again.

    Of course, religious-men twisted the text to mean that women were “guilty” of “sin” and used that to justify mysogyny for many many millenia, but what should one expect of male-supremacism, when its too-fragile ego feels threatened?

    History, Western, Eastern, doesn’t suggest that we should expect honest integrity of it, obviously.

    ( the literally millions of women who were forced to die in India due to that male-supremacism, iirc 1 census pegged it at 30,000,000-ish missing women, and that number wouldn’t have gone down recently…

    the selective-abortion-of-female-foetuses/babies, in order to protect male-supremacism, including the Chinese woman who died while aborting her 4th or 6th or something daughter, because her husband wanted a son to be their only or 1stborn child…

    it isn’t just China that selectively exterminates girl-lives, the West shows the same thing, & as a Jewess pointed-out, nobody in Jewish culture celebrates the birth of a girl: only boys.

    The Catholic inquisition’s holocausting of women…

    Hatred of female-lives & female-validity seems to be a deep current throughout humankind’s diverse cultures, for millenia. )

    3 different views into ancient psychology, and all-3 identify mothering as being the root of altruism…

    That seems a trend…

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