Just your normal everyday casual software dev. Nothing to see here.

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 15th, 2023

  • I think a good alternative is a CVE is assigned as somewhere between 1-3 unless proof of concept is able to be assigned, then and only then can the priority to increased to what it should be. these issue reports coming in as a 9 when you basically need to tell the program, “hey I’m being stupid just do it” in order for it to be vulnerable are only wasting developers time. I don’t believe these issues should be ignored however I do think they should be quite a bit lower priority if no concept is provided.

  • honestly I don’t think there is a better way, like others have said you can use a trash program or you can chmod the git directory before deleting but, I would recommend against the comments saying alias the command, that can lead to even bigger problems if you typo thr alias or mess up in the script. rf can’t break anything unless you say the wrong directory which would be the same with aliases anyway,

    My recommendation out of them all would be using a trash program to move it to the trash that way if you do screw up the location you have a way to restore it otherwise you could make a script to list the files affected using ls and then prompt a yes/no prompt using read before doing the rm script, but that’s something you definitely want to test in a sandbox or user restricted environment if you’re not used to scripting in case something breaks

  • Adding on to this that if they do decide not to go Windows do not use Debian.

    Don’t get me wrong it’s hella stable if you’re using stuff from like five six years ago, but if you’re trying to do anything remotely new or gaming related I would probably pass and try for one of the ones that are less stable. This is coming from someone who just made this mistake, steam will install but proton will not because the dependencies that proton relies on don’t exist in any of debian’s default sources, of course the launcher won’t actually tell you this unless you try to launch it from command line. On top of this if you’re planning on using games that originated on a windows partition, proton isn’t able to use those partitions unless you force yourself the owner by using uid and gid in fstab for the partitions, but it won’t tell you that either it will just fail to launch.

    I’m at the point where I think I’m just going to Nuke my Debian install and just go with another system because man has it fought me every step of the way in this process

  • Roblox in particular has been super hostile to the Linux community, they’ve two or three times now intentionally changed their application to make it so it won’t run under wine. If Roblox is something that is a hard requirement for him, I would highly recommend against any of the non-windows derivatives. The lead development team on Roblox seems to have the ideology that anything that isn’t Windows is a hacker platform and therefore they attempt to remove access from those platforms wherever possible. I don’t personally agree with it but, it is what it is.

    I also wish people would stop blindly recommending Unix platforms as a drop-in replacement for gaming on Windows. I have yet to see anyone who has been able to just install any of the flavors and have it “just work”. I fully agree that we are ages better in terms of compatibility than it was even 5 years ago, but at 100% should be going into it as a “you will have issues prepare to have to troubleshoot” and if this was his first time using anything not windows, I would have hard recommended against nuking the windows install, at the very least shrink the C partition on Windows which can be done via GParted, which thankfully is already pre-installed on the Linux Mint installation media.

    It’s disappointing that he is looking to go back, but I can fully understand his frustration, as someone who’s recently retaking the plunge after 6 or 7 years of being on windows again, I find myself getting aggravated at times trying to make hack scripts to make things work as well.

    That being said, if he is wanting to go back you shouldn’t force using it, that’s only going to remove the possibility of him switching back in the future(like when MS makes w10 a subscription model either end of this year or the year after which will force w11)

  • widespread cheating is still a net plus though, worst case scenario they pay less taxes then needed, but any non-zero number would be money that otherwise wouldn’t have been recieved. Actual calculations can be done on audits so if someone sends something in that is drastically different than what you would expect it should be then they can do the actual calculation but for the most part estimates should work fine for that matter.

    The way I see it a 5 to 10% variance in what is actually owed isn’t going to mean much in the long run, and if a number is submitted that does raise eyebrows, which would be easy to implement just based off what their annual income(which is already reported) is versus what their reported assets are, a more in-depth calculation can be done

  • if third party sites can come up with someone’s net worth without access to any tax returns/financial data, I’m sure the US government can do the same. Honestly they could just give a broad estimate and if its wrong have the taxee fight it with the data proving its wrong. The system for this already exists on tax forms. The administrative costs part of the argument seems really weird, it’s not like the US is like most other established governments and gives a bill/check. It requires citizens to calculate their own taxes so they technically don’t even need to do the math outside a simple “does this look right? ah probally” or audits

  • I concider bloat to be either unneeded files/programs. So duplicated libraries, unused apps, not personal data files that are stagnant, anything similar to that. It’s hard to put a metric on it, I just browse through my files every once and awhile and delete the unused stuff, but with the push for container based stuff I forsee that method will become increasingly harder as time goes on

  • Honestly discord is where my friends are at but I would heavily prefer guided or revolt(leaning torwards revolt).

    I tried matrix and honestly as my friend group’s primary server administrator/manager it’s moderation/permission system needs severe work for it to be a replacement for me. I feel bad about it cause it is a nice service, I love the bridge capability and everyone here hard pushes it but, I couldn’t use it in it’s current state.

    edit: also just noticing that this post is months old, not sure how I came across it!

  • judging by lack of description on this post, and the videos description, it’s a rage bait video based off potential intentions behind a website that logs discord activity and sells it for profit. The video description gave a big “I’m trying to egg you to watch this” vibe though so I didn’t go further. The site named has been shut down a few times now, it just renames itself every time and boom operational again.

    my opinion is that’s a risk you gotta take posting stuff online and it likely won’t be going anywhere, nothings secure unless you trust everyone involved. I wish for privacy but I don’t expect it unless I can meet that criteria