Thats an alternative😂
Graduated in Software Engineering, a specialized IT researcher in machine learning. Also a maniac for keeboards.
Thats an alternative😂
They are all accessibile holding the thumb buttons, they are disposed on Two separate layers.
As I mentioned on the other answer, for the full layout you can consult the github Page!
That can be a bit confusing, as “a” I’m using the “Alt” on the left side (the One rotated by 90°)
On the github Page you can see the layout on the image where I mention the 40 Key layout
Thank you for the feedback!
Tbh, I saw ben vallack’s videos that used ergogen to build some keyboard - but I didn’t put that much effort trying to learn kicad; this Will be my excuse to try that out! At the same time, Joe scotto tempted with his guide to handwiring and it felt like a breeze, but It Is a time consuming process that can lead to a lot of problems if It isn’t used a good soldering iron.
Still thank you for the tip on the grid size and angles! Surely Will Speed up the process
Thank you so much!
I think that atm Is in a good shape but There Is a lot more that can be done!
Yeah, they look and sound good af; still i want to try the crinnacle zero
Thank you for the question, I tried a more circular low angled thumb cluster (you can see it on the top left plate) and it has its pros and cons:
As you stated the pro is the confort because our thumb movement are circular and not linear;
On the other hand the angled linear solution i found gave me the chance to fit a magnetic disc under the thumb cluster and felt more aesthetically pleasing, also because this keyboard is inspired by the little nine-nano by bsag (that has a linear thumbcluster)!
So i found that in good balance between confort, aestethic and functionality!
Just to give some extra inspiration,
The multitouch gestire would be kinda unusable, but for scrolling I suggest to steal the same gestire from the japanese Toshiba laptops. They have a circular trackpad and for scrolling use the Edge of the trackpad with clockwise and counter-clockwise movement.
I know that I made It sound confusing, but if you see a video of that in action Will be Easy af to understand!