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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 16th, 2023


  • A few weeks ago i actually did a bit of a deep dive on the ADL website myself on this topic because i always really respected the ADL for their work and i wanted to know what they had to say about the situation. It honestly was pretty confused about the way they talked about it. Saying anti zionism is basically the same as anti semitism.

    I spend hours just reading through their stuff and it felt like there was no discussion possible. You’re either fully behind israel or you’re anti semitic.

    I think i found one single instance of them saying that there are legitimate instances where being critical of the israeli government is justified. But everything else felt more like propaganda than information.

    Not gonna lie. It made me really sad that such an amazing organization is so wrong on this topic. Because they really do great work on all other topics including anti semitism. But the situation of israel-palestine is not one of them.

  • Completely agree. I hate heat with a passion. My 2 biggest annoyances are lawn mowers being loud and neighbors outside all day with kids that scream their fucking lungs out. Just high pitched fucking screaming for hours on end.

    I know i used to play outside when i was little, but never did i yell and scream uncontrollably for fucking hours, driving anyone in a 200 meter radius fucking insane. Sorry i just don’t get it.

    Edit: im sorry if i sound like a boomer. Im autistic and the screaming is giving me a fight of flight reaction. Often i don’t care. But a family 2 houses down screams sooooo loud. Not even laughing or anything. Just pure high pitched screaming. And they will go on until 10pm or so every day if the sun shines.

    I use noise canceling earphones but i can’t and don’t want to wear those all day long.