• 4 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • It’s just the kids reading her books 20 years ago didn’t recognize all the problematic shit she wrote till they grew up.

    Adult here who was an adult when the books came out and recognized all the awful racist and sexist imagery. I have nothing new to add to the conversation, I’m just gonna vent. There were quite a few of us here and there who spoke up when the books were published, but we were significantly outnumbered and immediately drowned out by the “shut up and stop complaining” crowd. Yes, all this talk of “problematic” issues in the Potter books are old observations we’ve been rehashing for two decades…the goblins who run the banks are a horrifyingly obvious Jewish caricature, Chinese character Cho Chang’s first name is actually a Korean last name, the one black guy in the whole fuckin series is named “Shacklebolt” (seriously wtf), the one Irish character goes by “Seamus Finnegan,” the main female character Hermione is constantly referred to as “bossy”…just to name a few. JFC, what a shitshow.

    Ok, one more example that got a lot of attention years back but sort of faded away from public consciousness: in the first movie there’s a bigass six-pointed star on the fuckin floor of Gringotts, of all places. You know, Gringotts. The bank…where the undeniably Jew-like goblins work. No fuckin shit, it’s right there, plain as day. That one still boggles my mind. I mean, what the fuck, man. https://i.postimg.cc/Jzx2hr31/happry-potter-1-star-of-david-gringotts.png

    EDIT: Hey everyone, it’s been abuot an hour now and I just want to apologize for all this negativity. I’ve given this a lot of thought, and I’ve come to realize all the anti-this and anti-that complaints are really unfair and show only one side of JK Rowling. So I feel compelled to balance this out and remind everyone that she is also pro-slavery. Especially the kind of slavery that forces its slaves to work completely naked, and no one in the book has a problem with it except for the bossy lib girl that everyone hates.

  • You’ll dig it if you’re a Trek fan, especially if you like the ships. Oh lordy, there are ships. However, it’s an older game, and it’s very grindy/paygate-y, if you know what I mean. The game is free to play, but it really pushes microtransactions and loot boxes. I wouldn’t say it’s any worse than your average MMO, though.

    That said though, it’s a great game if you’re a Trekkie. It’s set in the Prime universe, picking up several years after Spock disappears in the 2009 Abrams movie. It’s still in active development, with new content coming out all the time, and several actors from past shows have done voice acting for certain storylines. And the ships, holy crap, the ships…

  • Programming I really don’t see myself doing but I do admit having some curiosity towards python, going for years, but I really don’t know where to start to approach it.

    You’ll probably want to start small at first (random number generator, calculator, tic-tac-toe), but eventually you could create an app that would help you with your business. IDK, just thinking out loud, maybe inventory management or a system maintenance tool?

    My background is not on STEM and I was always passed the notion that without roots in hard math I can’t go far in programming.

    I made that mistake years ago and have always regretted it. I mean, I’m doing just fine now, but that fear of math really did me no favors in life. I really wish I had pursued a CS degree.

  • 80 Accessibility score on the new homepage.

    It’s worth pointing out that score of 80/100 is the result of an automated scan, which currently can catch no more than 40% of all potential accessibility issues. The remaining 60% (it’s likely higher than this btw) can only be detected manually using a screen reader and keyboard only (for keyboard accessibility, as some people are able to use only the keyboard). So backing up what you said, the accessibility problem with Reddit is much worse than is being reported.

    Both Reddit and Techcrunch need to do better.

    They do, and the way they continue to mistreat their disabled users, even after meeting with them to discuss these issues, indicates they don’t care.

  • In the interest of your safety (and that of your fam), I’d seriously consider backing off for now until you’re sure the next move you make is a safe one. The police notified your FIL’s old boss that he tipped them off, and even though you’re in a different part of the country (by the sound of it), it’s possible the old boss might learn you also called about the property. And if you and your FIL were the only ones to ever ask questions about the property, you’re potentially drawing attention to yourself if you make the info public, even if it’s done anonymously. I mean, who else would they suspect?

    I’m not saying to do nothing; I have no suggestions on what you can actually do. But your FIL is dead (I am sorry for your loss), so no one’s going to be disappointed if you call a time out and take time to think things through. Because if your suspicions are true, these are dangerous people you’re dealing with here. Be careful, OP.