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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 15th, 2023

  • Ugh. Yeah, that sounds familiar. Never seen people send themselves down that cycle so hard. Get punished, unable to let go of the anger, get told to stop or more punishment, I don’t fucking care punish me, gets more punishment.

    Sucks if you don’t understand it. People just need to be told to fuck off and cool down, then you can deal with it. In the heat of the problem ADHD makes it so much worse.

  • On the contrary. Some people are wired in such a way that shifting gears is hard, and hyper focusing on the expectation that someone will show up at a specific time, or hyper-focusing on pizza in my made up situation, and doesn’t can be really difficult to deal with as a kid who can’t emotionally deal with that. ADHD has a lot of variety and tangential fallout that you might not really think of.

  • See, it’s still a conspiracy if he committed suicide. I don’t see why people are obsessed with him being murdered, or makes no difference in the end because the chain of events leading to either outcome is pretty much the same. IMO the suicide is more lurid because all the things had to happen to give him the time, tools, and someone basically telling him to do it or someone would indeed kill him. The man knew he was fucked, and there’s zero distance between him being told and others just setting it up knowing he was suicidal anyway.

    Point being - there absolutely was a conspiracy to give him opportunity, tools, and lack of monitoring so he could kill himself. The pursuit of anything to do with his associations or activities was dropped so fast it approached relativistic speeds as it vanished into the distance.

  • Windows has always had awful error codes. A BSOD with some (made up) 0x00000231a would get “Kernel gobbledygook” as the search result. Completely useless. It was and still is awful. Only by digging in to logs, event manger, and anything else you can imagine you might be able to correct the issue. However, I will offer that Windows has been stable AF since 7, and I could count the number of times it’s crashed on me in the last decade or so on one hand, and the times it did crash or was because of either a change I made or a bad driver update.

    I have a love/hate relationship with Apple. I despise how everything is locked down and they spare no effort to make sure you stay in their walled garden and play with their toys under their supervision. OTOH, shit almost never breaks. Regular PC? You’re free to wreck it, and I love that.