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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023

  • Is there anything you have done for which, if I had done the same actions, I would be irredeemable?

    Is there anything that you have done, for which if I had done, you would expect me to jump into the volcano?

    Feel free to judge yourself just a tiny bit more harshly than you would judge others. But only slightly. Give yourself as much of a break as you would give me after expressing remorse for my actions.

  • Not even close to the most efficient gait. The videos I’ve been watching, they are using their hands plantigrade rather than digitigrade. They should be on their fingertips or knuckles, not their palms, and be wearing something like boxing gloves with cleats to protect their knuckles rather than their palms.

    Their gaits are nearly symmetric: opposite limbs are contacting the ground at about the same time, much like a horse’s trot rather than its gallop. Their asses are always high in the air, and their heads down; they are running like raccoons.

    If you look at canine or feline running gaits, they rarely have more than one foot on the ground at any one time. Whenever one foot hits the ground, the other three are moving forward. They are making extensive use of the flexibility of their spine to lengthen their effective stride.

    I noticed the runner used a bipedal start off traditional running blocks. Head down, legs bent, crouched forward, held back behind the line with straight arms. If you watch a dog, cat, horse, etc, as it starts to run, it is digging in with all four limbs, not just the hind legs.

    I think in a quadrupedal race, the runner would want to be able to pull themselves forward with their arms as well as push themselves forward with their legs. That doesn’t make sense for a bipedal runner, as that extra performance off the line comes with the penalty of extra upper body mass through the entire race. But a quadrupedal runner is going to need that mass/strength through the entire race.

    I’d think they would want a modified starting block for their hands as well as one for their legs.

  • The scenario you describe actually demonstrates my point. Where anonymity is “illegal”, the only entity you can trust to protect your privacy is you.

    That fact does not change when anonymity is “legal”. That fact does not change even when anonymity is mandated. Even if it is a criminal act for me to make a record of who is accessing my service, that is only a legal restriction. It is not a technical restriction. You can’t know whether I am abiding by such a law at the time you are accessing my service. A law mandating anonymity doesn’t actually protect your anonymity; it just gives you the illusion that your anonymity is being protected.

    The relevant difference between your scenario and reality is that in your scenario, nobody is blatantly lying about whether your privacy is under attack: it most certainly is.

  • There is an IOS app for hot air balloon pilots called “Hot Air”. There is a similar app for Android that… Leaves much to be desired.

    There’s several functions that are needed. First, we need a map. We need to be able to enter waypoints and/or polygons charting landing zones, prohibited zones, targets, etc. we need an easy way to select targets, and our bearing and distance to those targets.

    For planning purposes, we need a bearing line that we can place and move on that map. We need to be able to easily drag and drop each end of the line, and get the bearing and distance between the endpoints.

    Next, we need track recording. It should record a ground track during flight, preferably with altitude information, and notes about the flight.

    Next, a wind map. The wind speed and direction varies considerably by altitude. It needs to record direction and speed as we climb and descend, telling us what altitude has winds favorable for our current target.

    Bonus points if we can prepopulate that wind map with data from a “pibal” (pilot balloon; a simple latex party balloon released and tracked with compass and stopwatch before a flight)

    Next, coordination with other pilots and ground crews. 3D location sharing between participants; wind map data shared between pilots.

  • Don’t worry about the accuracy of the specific diagnosis. Focus on whether treatment is effective.

    The treatment options are the same for many similar conditions, so even if the diagnosis isn’t quite accurate, treatment can be effective.

    Also frustrating: not all treatment options are equally effective, not all individuals have the same treatment expectations, and diagnostic science is not able to reliably and immediately predict the best treatment for your specific circumstances. It can take weeks or months to find a combination of medication, diet, mentality, routine, and lifestyle factors that work for you, and those can potentially be disrupted by factors as simple as the changing of the seasons.

    I don’t mean for that to sound discouraging. I am only trying to manage expectations. You are very likely to see some positive changes, possibly large, probably small. You’re also likely to experience some side effects, possibly small, probably large. The objective is to continuously adapt and tune your lifestyle to maximize the positives while minimizing the negatives.

  • If we want to build a stable 100% renewable energy electrical grid we need backup power station for when there is no sun or wind.

    These are known as “Peaker” plants. Their purpose is to come online very quickly when loads increase or production drops, and to go offline again when loads drop, or production increases.

    Nuclear could work perfectly but I’m losing hope on trying to convince people that a bit of nuclear would help to each a 100% renewable energy grid.

    Nuclear is an excellent option for a base load plant, but it is terrible for a peaker. Nuclear generation is extremely slow to adjust. It can’t be ramped up or down quickly enough to match a daily load curve, let alone react to rapidly changing weather conditions.

    What is most needed is “demand shaping”. Our current model assumes that consumers will take whatever they want, whenever they want it, and the onus is on the power companies to ensure power is always available. What we need is to provide a means for consumer products and industrial processes to understand and adapt to power availability in real time, so that they can play an active role in adjusting demand. A water heater (with a mixing output to maintain a constant output temperature) could be told to superheat its stored water to just below the boiling point during the solar peak, then shut off until the following day. If it’s a cloudy day with no major solar peak, it maintains a much lower, consistent temperature throughout the day.

    Desalination, hydrogen generation, and a variety of other industrial processes can similarly ramp their operations up and down to match their demand to available supply.

    Biomass is probably best utilized as feedstock for Fischer-Tropsch synfuel production, which effectively functions as long-term grid-scale energy storage. Basically, it is a synthetically-produced fuel suitable for gas turbine engines like those used in aircraft or grid-scale peaker plants. The Air Force has certified its entire fleet to operate on synfuel, it’s just not currently cost effective relative to petroleum due to the massive energy inputs required. But, those same energy inputs are becoming available as solar peaks begin to pose a problem for energy providers.

  • Turbine engines (jets) do not burn leaded fuels. Jet fuel is similar to kerosene or diesel fuel, with certain additives to meet aviation needs.

    The overwhelming majority of piston powered aircraft use 100LL, which has a relatively tiny amount of lead compared to automotive fuels of the 1970s. The FAA has recently certified 100UL for use in all aircraft, but production does not yet meet demand.

    Jet-A has higher energy density and is cheaper than 100LL or 100UL, but can’t be used in spark-ignition engines.

    Compression-ignition (“diesel”) piston engines are coming on the market as new and retrofit kits, allowing the use of Jet-A in general aviation aircraft.