Senior Chief Petty Officer. Starfleet is in my blood, and I’ve spent my entire adult life in service to boldly going.

Keiko and Molly are my favorite humans, but Transporter Room 3 will always be my favorite.

Just don’t ask who what’s in the pattern buffer.

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Joined 23 days ago
Cake day: August 27th, 2024


  • Well I mean… I sure hope not. I personally don’t see any reason to think it’s anything other than China trying to gain support from nations that are on the fence or don’t care about them, which to be clear is not a bad thing. They’re free to pursue any relations they desire, and the other nations are free to do the same. Hopefully the politicians involved are truly working for the betterment of both countries.

    That said, the person making the shady deal would clearly say “it’s not a shady deal”, and the person duped by aforementioned shady deal would obviously not want to admit being duped by said shady deal. So everyone involved has every reason to say this anyway.

    In other words: a lot of words to ultimately say nothing. Much like this comment.

  • I always love when cough “educated” people (usually just what they like to say when they mean “not black”) go on about how “black people don’t speak proper English!” because certain vowels can be dropped here or there, grammar shifts, the works. Most of us have heard AAE (also maybe heard it called “Ebonics” if you’re a little older) at one point or another, and likely don’t have an issue understanding what anyone is saying. A few things that skew more metaphorical or slang words might slip by but you get the gist.

    That’s the point of language. Convey information. If the information is conveyed, then language has done its job. Yay language.

    If anyone wants to continue saying “it’s not PROPER English” well… I have bad news for you. Neither is any other modern form of English. So many words have been borrowed, or stolen, sentence structures have changed, entire words change meaning. And that’s just in the last 100 years.

    English is an amalgamation of many different root languages, and has so many borrowed words and phrases, along with nearly every other modern language, can any of them still be said to be “proper”?

    When I think of the difference between “proper English” and “improper English” I’m reminded of My Fair Lady. “The rain in Spain stays mainly on the plain” Eliza vs Henry Higgins (or 'enry 'iggins if you’re feeling improper)

  • You know, the longer we live, the more people realize that in a CAPITAL based society, the people with the CAPITAL make the rules. And if they decided “no, we DON’T have to pay the fines that poors have to” then… That’s basically become all that happens.

    “hey you did an illegal and/or a fine-able offence(the fines for which were determined at a time that doesn’t reflect modern profits for companies) but since we are being told you’re have lots of money, go ahead and keep doing it but pinky promise you’ll change eventually”

    Just enough of a protest to make the unimportant people think you’ve done something, but not enough to do anything of substance.

    And I honestly wonder just how long it will be before “the poors” and “the unimportant people” will have enough and decide to punish companies and their leaders themselves.