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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023

  • Twitter, etc isn’t Canadian but it sure does has an opinion about who the Canadian Prime Minister should be.

    I dont feel good about any of these social media platforms having a stake in this propaganda. Tik Tok, Twitter, reddit, etc…it’s all the same to me.

    Russia, etc will use any platform they can for this shit. It doesn’t matter where the site is based. I don’t think banning tik tok or forcing it to sell will change anything. Facebook will still be a cesspool of right ring propaganda.

  • The social media at home (ie Twitter, Facebook, reddit) have been manipulating all citizens into destabilizing democracy with all the right-wing propaganda and it is getting worse every day. I can go to Twitter any day of the week and see some slander in the “What’s hot” section for any democratic/liberal leader while ass licking every conservative one depending on which country you are from. And the posts are mostly made by young Russian/etc bots. The problem is it seems to be working.

    It’s not just tik tok thats used for this shit. But the others are OK because they are 'MURICAN? It’s a double standard. I’m not defending tik tok, but I personally think Twitter, etc need to be sold as well.

  • Yeah, I still browse reddit from time to time (mostly when lemme feed is dried up or I’m at my computer. I don’t browse it for hours like I used to, though. And I haven’t made a comment that wasn’t on r/lfg for months.

    Most of my feed is about Canada, makes sense, I live there. But a vast majority of it is right wing propaganda. Anti immigration, pro PeePee, anti Trudeau, etc. Every week a new right wing subreddit crops up.

  • US has the highest domestic violence / death by gun rates in the entire world.

    There is no such thing as good guy with a gun. Look at the victory parade just last week. People with guns everywhere just ran away for their lives instead of shooting the bad guy with the gun they love boasting about.

    The worst mass shooting in Canada in history was 12 dead. What’s the worst death toll in the US?

    The last school shooting in Canada was about 20 years ago, when was the last one in the US?

    If this Australian couple had guns, 90% chance she would have been shot and killed by beer husband instead of whatever means he used. The police should have done their jobs.

    That is the reality.

  • I think what they (poorly) meant was that there shouldn’t be individuals/entities that own multiple houses, to give everyone/more people the chance to own homes. There is a serious housing shortage because a lot of people and companies buy multiple homes. Some use it as basically a form of money (notably the Chinese) and others use it as a form of income (Individuals/entities that own 10 or more affordable/family homes and rent it out. Airbnb was/is a huge contributer to this issue)

    As a rule, people today cannot buy homes and rent is a major reason why. In most places rent is over 60% of the average paycheck. How are you supposed to afford a house? You won’t even get accepted for a mortgage with the average paycheck. This issue has a lot of consequences, suchas the birthrate is falling at an exponential rate. It’s barely at the replacement level, and in some places, below. And the trend is continuing.

  • Airports tend to be like that in the west, it was similar when I visited Mexico too. A taxi right outside the airport was a lot more expensive than the taxis across the street. The airport used to have a overhead walk way (which did suck to travel with luggage since it was quite a few steps), but I’m pretty sure they removed it since and the airport is on a major highway.

    The airports in Montreal has a bunch of shuttles. Pretty much every nearby hotel runs a shuttle. But it’s not walkable there either.

  • Yup,when I went to this suburb in Tennessee, I was baffled by how car dependant it was.

    We spotted a Wal-Mart as we drove into a hotel to spend the night, it wasn’t far at all. We asked the desk clerk how to get to it. My mom wanted to go for a walk and since it wasn’t far, we decided to walk there. He pointed in a direction and said it was a mile away but the clerk wasn’t specific with the details.

    So we walked that direction, and we walked a mile, but didn’t spot the Wal-Mart at all. Confused, we see some women drive to this building next to us and get out of their car and we ask them for directions to it. They said we had to go back the way we came, go down the road further, and take a turn. It’s straight from there. They said the Wal-Mart wasn’t accessible because of a bypass.

    We thank them, turn, and start the walk. However, because the road was so windy, 1 mile was not one mile. We could see the Wal-Mart now but it felt like we weren’t getting any closer to it because we are going in basically a zigzag motion. Right, left, right, left… it’s a mile as the crow flies, but because of the way the road was set up, it took over 2 hours to walk. To make it worse, there is just acres of empty fields between us. But we can’t cut through the empty lots of absolutely nothing because of 10ft+ fencing with barb wire on top. If we could cut through we could have been there and back so quickly. There was nothing on this property, it wasn’t farm land. There was no buildings being constructed, nothing, just fields of empty, but mowed grass. The road we walked was so busy and there wasn’t even a sidewalk. I never seen anything so unfriendly to pedestrians before.

    This place was 100% reliant on cars. Even the main town itself didn’t really have any sidewalks to speak of While walking in the main part of the town I only saw 2 businesses and they were blocks apart. Even just going to the store and getting a few small groceries looks to be a hassle without a car.

  • Again, what is your solution ? It’s unrealistic to expect everyone everywhere will never have an event, etc ever again for the rest of time. Be it a house party or otherwise, the risk is always there. There are consequences to every action but if we care about every consequence like that… it’s honestly better to just end all our lives right here. It would be the most net positive action we can take. But that isn’t a viable solution either, is it? How do we get everyone to agree to committing suicide?

    You’re saying a lot of angry words but providing no solutions or suggestions. You’re basically being that old man yelling at clouds. We are social creatures and most people can’t live in complete isolation forever. Even if we try to, our societies just aren’t built for that. People who try often starve to death.

  • I agree, but alot of people don’t see it that way. As an example, Sakimichan is a very popular artist, they have been active for like 20 years now, maybe more. As a result they had alot of art on the web. Their style was shnthed a lot, without their permission. If you generate art, you’re very likely to get something that looks like their art as a result.

    They cannot keep up with the instant result of AI art synching their stuff. They used to just do tasteful pinups. Now they are doing full on porn in order to compete with the AI blight on their career. And it’s very obvious to me that they do not enjoy drawing that kind of stuff.

    Sakimichan is not the only one seeing the fallout of AI art, a lot of artists are having trouble. And it is getting harder and harder to tell what is made by AI. Then you have photoshop’s thing that can enhance your art with AI…whatever thst means. Art communities have joked for years that PS had a “make art better” button when asked how people draw so well. Now it actually has one.