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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • In Louisiana, we have a super majority republican congress, bought republican judges, and a republican governor for the first time in 8 years. We are in a phase of revenge passing whatever right wing bills they can get away with because we no longer have a Democrat governor to turn away the ridiculous crap.

    Our legislature absolutely will write in Christianity as the “correct” religion, and our governor is in the process of rewriting our constitution for a few reasons, one of which could very well be naming Christianity.

    It’s going to take more than a challenge from tst to fix this one… We are deteriorating faster than Texas because Republicans are passing bills out of spite.

  • I was talking about people who know me and interpret autistic behavior as a sign of danger.

    You came into a conversation about unknown men being an implicit danger to women, a subject that’s a title post and 3 comments deep, to talk about how people treat you like that because of something completely different, not clarify that you’re talking about something completely different, and then you’re wondering why I’m thinking you’re talking about the subject of the post?

    I’m willing to chalk this up to a misunderstanding, but your insistence that I’m a clown for defending a point that you made no indication wasn’t what you were even talking about until now has left me completely unwilling to talk to you further.

    This is pointless. Goodnight.

  • This concept isn’t hard to understand and every time someone has a problem with it it’s always some variation of being personally offended because they think someone else’s safety is actually about them.

    You’re not different. I didn’t ascribe your position, you literally said you’re insulted because you’ve never done anything to justify that behavior.

    That’s a variation of making it about you because you don’t feel like you should be lumped in with other men, even though in the situations this happens in it’s because the other person doesn’t know you.

    You’re the exact type of person I was talking about with the exact point the last 5 have all made. I thought it might be sarcasm because you can’t seriously be trying to assert the same thing they all did on a comment calling them all out for refusing to get it, but here we are.

    Calling me a clown is a cheap cop out to deflect from the fact that your feelings are hurt. Go bait someone else.

  • There’s a similar concept that has sprung up in discission around here about how basically all women have a sense of danger around men they don’t know or the ones obviously being creepy.

    Way too many people here think that without a form of physical assault involved, taking measures to distance yourself from someone you get a bad feeling about is sexism and as bad as racism because not all men are bad.

    Like, if I’m walking down a sidewalk and the person walking towards me decides to cross the street because I’m a man, I get it. It’s not hard to grasp that some people don’t want to be close to someone who might objectify them.

    But I’ve been in probably 5 separate arguments on lemmy about how women who do that are misandrist garbage because every man deserves a shot and you should always give men the benefit of the doubt.

    There’s definitely a higher concentration of man-centric conversation here.

  • most of the time for no reason at all

    Not for no reason. It’s a form of control. If you genuinely believe that the opposing party is going to bring the country to ruin, you’re a lot less likely to consider their position in politics.

    Look at the affordable care act. Conservatives hated/hate it because “obamacare” was portrayed as giving free health care to the lazy poor that you have to pay for as a hard working conservative. When asked if we should repeal Obamacare, conservatives poll something crazy like 95% yes, simply because it’s a bad word they learned.

    Many of those conservatives have health care through the ACA and get mad when Republicans take it away because they need it. Those same conservatives mostly aren’t even aware that what they have is literally obamacare.

    It’s control all the way down.