You’d think it would be a win, but honestly Trump is a clown. More “centrists” who detest Trump might rally around someone like DeSantis, that’s what I’m afraid of.
You’d think it would be a win, but honestly Trump is a clown. More “centrists” who detest Trump might rally around someone like DeSantis, that’s what I’m afraid of.
Hey man, nice tittles
My mind is blown. This is very well written. Thank you
Our conservatives aren’t like conservatives elsewhere in the world. Our liberals are like your conservatives, policy wise.
Our conservatives are brainwashed by four decades of targeted conservative media that’s explicitly designed to keep them in an anger loop in order to create a political climate where republicans (who are the actual politicians) don’t have to appeal to the conservative base with actual policy.
Republicans, through channels like Fox News and OANN (seriously, go watch some of it and see what we’re dealing with here) have demonized everyone to the left of them so hard that entire generations of conservatives genuinely believe that there’s a bloody revolution coming.
It would be nice if it were actually bullshit, but these lunatics who make up half of our voting population put a con-man entertainer with zero political experience in the whitehouse for four years and installed conservative justices to our highest court who are systematically dismantling our democracy.
It’s very real. It’s so real that some of the less insane conservatives are waking up to how dangerous the details of this plan actually are, and that’s why Republicans are panicking about this.
Wow, I don’t think I’ve seen an edgier comment on the whole of lemmy.
You sound like you’ve got a lot to lose.
Telling me I’d like to watch it all burn, and then calling me a political pacifist in the next breath?
Yeah. You’re actively expressing both of those views at the same time by thinking yourself higher than the society you live in.
Anyway, the debt isn’t a tangible thing like you seem to think. And you clearly have no idea what you’re talking about, and I won’t take on the responsibility of teaching you how to use a search engine, so I guess this is where the edgy comment chain ends.
Have fun in your cabin in the woods, brother. The rest of us understand what it means to live in a functional society. It’s not worth engaging any further with someone as far gone as you are ✌️
The debt will never come calling if calling on the debt means destabilizing the world economy. I’m sure you’d like to see that, but virtually every single player in that debt doesn’t.
So take your cryptic misinformation and go hide in a cabin in the woods. Meanwhile, the adults who understand that shit doesn’t get done by itself will be picking up the mess that political pacifists like you leave when you cower behind the notion that both sides are the same.
🙄 “Both sides”
Vote 3rd party and shut up then. I’m tired of hearing about how both parties are “equally bad”
The fact is that things tend to change for the better under democrats, albeit slowly. Republican judges just today gutted a long standing regulatory precedent that’s going to pave the way for capitalists to bleed Americans dry.
One party is luke warm. The other one is actively and progressively destroying our nation. I won’t entertain the idea that they are even close to the same.
That’s what makes this extra stupid. Maga hats don’t think that far
This is kind of obvious and I probably don’t have to say it but…
Trump is doing this to weasel his way out of a debate he shouldn’t have agreed to. No way in hell Trump subjects himself to the same drug test. He’s betting on Biden not agreeing to it either so he can just say “well those liberals are obviously playing dirty so I’m out”
The drugs in question are necessarily irrelevant
I think it’s a fair thought that any form of life doesn’t perfectly recycle their resources and all forms of life give off waste for other life to utilize. That said, a reasonably advanced civilization might just inevitably grow to the size where the waste they put off makes their planet unlivable for them before they can take action to control it.
For us, it’s carbon dioxide.
Get out of here with your “both sides” garbage.
I’ve never had someone left of center tell me a whole group of people deserve to be locked up or killed. I had a right wing nut tell me just yesterday that all lgbtq folk are complicit in rape and pedophilia and deserve to be hanged. Sadly, that’s not even close to the only time someone has said that to me.
Both sides might be part of the problem here, but only one side is off their fucking rockers.
You can die of cirrhosis from drinking too much for too long, but it’s still culturally held as a stress reliever. You can die from diabetes if you eat too much sugar for too long, but it’s still sold to children as edible happiness. Hell, you can die slowly and painfully from taking too much Tylenol, but it’s still the world’s most popular painkiller by far.
Too much of anything kills eventually. That doesn’t bare any significance to whether or not it’s good for stress in some amount.
Won’t somebody think of the poor destitute ISPs?
Yes. Our country is run by geriatrics who, among other things related to modern society, legislate on technology they don’t understand. We need younger members with more flexible minds who have at least spent some part of their younger lives dealing with problems we have a modern variation of today.
But especially SCOTUS members. Any kind of term limit on them would be better than what we have.
In Louisiana, we have a super majority republican congress, bought republican judges, and a republican governor for the first time in 8 years. We are in a phase of revenge passing whatever right wing bills they can get away with because we no longer have a Democrat governor to turn away the ridiculous crap.
Our legislature absolutely will write in Christianity as the “correct” religion, and our governor is in the process of rewriting our constitution for a few reasons, one of which could very well be naming Christianity.
It’s going to take more than a challenge from tst to fix this one… We are deteriorating faster than Texas because Republicans are passing bills out of spite.
I was talking about people who know me and interpret autistic behavior as a sign of danger.
You came into a conversation about unknown men being an implicit danger to women, a subject that’s a title post and 3 comments deep, to talk about how people treat you like that because of something completely different, not clarify that you’re talking about something completely different, and then you’re wondering why I’m thinking you’re talking about the subject of the post?
I’m willing to chalk this up to a misunderstanding, but your insistence that I’m a clown for defending a point that you made no indication wasn’t what you were even talking about until now has left me completely unwilling to talk to you further.
This is pointless. Goodnight.
This concept isn’t hard to understand and every time someone has a problem with it it’s always some variation of being personally offended because they think someone else’s safety is actually about them.
You’re not different. I didn’t ascribe your position, you literally said you’re insulted because you’ve never done anything to justify that behavior.
That’s a variation of making it about you because you don’t feel like you should be lumped in with other men, even though in the situations this happens in it’s because the other person doesn’t know you.
You’re the exact type of person I was talking about with the exact point the last 5 have all made. I thought it might be sarcasm because you can’t seriously be trying to assert the same thing they all did on a comment calling them all out for refusing to get it, but here we are.
Calling me a clown is a cheap cop out to deflect from the fact that your feelings are hurt. Go bait someone else.
deleted by creator
It’s the natural conclusion of the strategy republicans set into motion to manipulate their base.
It started just after Watergate. Nixon was facing massive calls for justice from both sides. Republican think tanks realized that their base of conservatives consumed news from all sources that informed their mostly unbiased decision to hold their guy accountable. So those republican think tanks devised a plan to create a conservative news outlet that explicitly demonized other news so that the conservative base would never turn on one of their own again. That strategy was realized in the 90’s with the creation of Fox News.
Since then, conservative media has been slowly transforming politics from the perspective of the average conservative into a team sport, where the main motivation isn’t “who runs the country better” but rather “my team is better than yours”.
It wasn’t so pervasive 20 years ago, but conservative media has found themselves with a base that now only responds to the outrage they’ve been conditioning them with, and that has created the raging confrontational assholes you see today.
Being a conservative doesn’t mean what it used to. And that’s because the Republican leadership robbed conservatives of that in order to maintain control of their base.