The test I have is if my players would call BS on an NPC doing that to them.
Drowning a PC a turn using a cantrip? That’s BS and every player knows it.
The test I have is if my players would call BS on an NPC doing that to them.
Drowning a PC a turn using a cantrip? That’s BS and every player knows it.
Just eat them.
There is no trick that will make you think an apple is actually pie or make kale taste just like potato chips.
Try new stuff. Go to the Asian grocery store and buy random fruits and veggies you haven’t seen before and try them. Worst case you hate them, but you seem to be there already, best case you love them.
You do know that Excel is used in every job right?
I think strawberry pop tarts have less frosting than all other flavors.
It’s petty and small, but every time I have a strawberry pop tart the frosting is so thin that the holes on the top are clear through the frosting. No other flavor has this problem. I don’t think it matters, but it feels like a conspiracy.
There are several jobs that are frequently mentioned in discussions like this that are actually thanked all of them time.
Nurses, teachers, fire, EMTs and police are always mentioned. They are hard jobs and mostly under paid. However they are constantly thanked, businesses give discounts and commercials and politicians thank them endlessly.
Grocery store workers, butchers, plumbers, electricians, custodians, truck drivers and most “menial jobs” are completely thankless. Think of the last time you saw a 10% off for nurses and if you’ve ever seen 10% off for overnight stockers.
I’m not sure I understand, the whole point is to talk to people very far away.
What profession is willing to pay for social media recruitment?
What prejudice do you want to have confirmed?
What product do you wish to advertise?
What media product do you wish to advertise?
Can you believe this obvious lie?
I’m confident that on my deathbed my biggest regret will be being bored while stuck in an airport for a day.
People under the age of 25 tend to be really bad at the Internet. The number of times high schoolers or college kids are mystified by how I’m able to get information quickly from search engines is beyond me.
I’m not surprised they can’t tell what’s real, they can’t search for tiny details like “transmission time to Mars” or “gravity on mercury”.
Delta green is great.
I love how TTRPGs are the model for having a quality product means people will buy it. It’s not difficult to pirate everything, and many systems are just flat out free. And yet I buy most of it.
I don’t care what rights they want to curtail, if they say they’ll lower my taxes by a nickel I’ll vote for them!
Brave is chromium.
Anything that you can grind yourself buy whole.
It really doesn’t take long to grind a tsp of cumin, and the seeds stay fresh so much longer than the powder. And if the seeds start to lose their punch just toast 'em.
Get a bigger mortar then you think too. You’ll read about making pesto, or guac, or lots of Thai dishes, and wonder if it real does taste better. Sadly it does and you’ll regret your small mortar every time you make guacamole.
May I suggest a 3D printer and set of speed paints?
There is something awesome about being able to print up and paint the exact monster before the session.
It’s a whole new world of terrain and tiles you don’t bother using half the time.
If you think it’s crazy your school uses three year old programs wait until you find out how many businesses are running XP!
Even if we do a version where the NPC is coughing up gallons of water, that’s effectively a save or die spell. The NPC can’t cast, fight effectively or run away.
If you allow that usage then create water becomes one of the most powerful spells in the game.