• 2 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023

  • I think you may have misunderstood your issue. 16 GB is more than is needed on / for a typical desktop Ubuntu installation. For example, here is a partial output of df -h on my Ubuntu 22.04 system- this is a server but it has a full desktop environment installed. I actually originally put 20.04 on it when that was current so it has accumulated some cruft. I also remove snaps:

    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/sda1 47G 11G 34G 25% /
    /dev/sda7 84G 26G 54G 33% /home
    /dev/sda6 88G 22G 62G 27% /var

    The thing you’re most likely running into is that whilst everyone quickly realises the advantages of putting /home on a separate partition, it’s not so obvious that /var should be on a separate partition as well. This is because /var is where all the logs and caches are stored, and if you have a runaway process that fills up /var/log, it can cause the system to crash. Experienced Linux users will have encountered situations where /var was not on a separate partition and their box broke because of logs not being cycled…

    I realise that you may be saying that you have 16GB total for 2 x installations. That is going it a bit but should be possible with some thought and care. Good luck!

  • My reason for stipulating that is that lot of people saying it do so either from ignorance (they simply don’t believe/understand that you might not be able to opt out) or on the basis of outdated information, e.g. “I bought my TV ten years ago and never had to do this”. Your experience being in the recent past I guess I could try this as a sale stipulation point, thanks.

  • OP: I sympathise and I can empathise with your situation. My advice would be to stay away and to move on with your life.

    The problem is that whenever you discuss this sort of situation in public or with people who haven’t been there themselves you always feel the burden of proof is on you to show how terrible the parent is- a burden that is never defined nor met. There’s always some new person to say “oh but she’s your mother” which is frankly irrelevant- if your ex became your stalker for example, nobody would say equivalent things. It doesn’t matter that you’re the one standing there and not the parent, people want to put them on the pedestal, not you

    IMO you should:

    • Accept and make peace that you explained yourself at the time on more than one occasion
    • Accept and make peace that parent won’t change- the site you’ve linked explained how narcissists can’t ‘hear’ you
    • Accept and make peace that you can’t continue to or return to dealing with them.
    • Realise that you won’t be able to discuss with or get validation from most people, even those supposedly close to you
    • Realise that this guilt/conflict is simply more narcissistic control/manipulation

    In my own case things that contributed towards finalising my position were:

    • Becoming a parent myself, so less time for other people’s rubbish and more awareness of ‘how should a parent deal with…’
    • That in the final few years we were corresponding mainly by email and so there was a written record to reflect on that clearly demonstrated a repetitive pattern

    Good luck

  • Ok I’m British and I don’t get this. Yes there are specific turns of phrase or idioms that are different in British/American/Indian but really, is anyone who can actually read and write going to stumble on them?

    Example of British English (since I’m guessing most readers here are American): “oh, we suggested Wednesday by accident, shall we meet on Thursday instead”. Is anyone really going to struggle with ‘translating’ to “oh, we suggested Wednesday on accident, shall we meet Thursday instead”

  • People who think this about current music simply aren’t hearing/listening to a lot of current music. There’s great stuff out there being created all the time but you’d never come across it in ‘mainstream’ places. Take a genre I really like (I realise not everyone does), blues guitar/vocals. 3 brilliant current artists:

    • Grace Bowers (will be 18 in July)
    • Christone “Kingfish” Ingram (currently 25 years old)
    • Muireann Bradley (also currently 17 years old)

    Obviously with those ages, these aren’t golden agers coating on past glories. To take someone totally different, Ren isn’t ‘commercial’, even if some of the people he’s worked with, e.g. Chinchilla, are. I don’t expect to see any of these artists become ‘mainstream’ like e.g. Ed Sheeran or Taylor Swift.