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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • Stillhart@lemm.eetoLinux@lemmy.mlLinux for Kids?
    2 months ago

    Personally, I’d use the router to limit access to locations and times. It’s more reliable, easier to do, and lets you be less picky with your distro.

    Using a DNS level content blocker like Adblock DNS is a great option, IMHO, and is super easy to setup.

    (For the record, parent of 8 and 11 yr olds)

  • Yeah I get it. It turns out subscription services are everywhere and have been for quite some time so there’s no need to really inform people about the pros and cons at this point.

    Sure I don’t own the games. But then again, I don’t tend to replay old games ever. There are SO MANY new games coming out all the time, I’ve never understood the urge to go back and replay an old game. Chances are there’s a new game out there that’s the same idea but better.

    My only point here is that GamePass Ultimate is basically paying more to have access on Windows AND Xbox and I don’t use the Windows version anymore. It will save me money when it’s time to renew. Hooray linux!

  • It’s one of my only regrets from switching to linux full time last summer: the PC side of my GamePass Ultimate subscription is now useless because it requires Windows. I get it, but it still bums me out.

    On the plus side, I prepaid using some crazy scam/exploit/deal/whatever from SlickDeals so it cost me like less than $100 for three years. And since I still use it on my Xbox regularly, I feel like it was still a… <glasses>… slick deal.

  • Short version: How do I install apps onto a different partition from the default in Pop_OS! (preferably from within the Pop Shop GUI)?

    Long version: I have a dual boot with Windows and I shrunk my Win partition to install linux and eventually realized I wanted more space on the linux side so I shrunk my windows partition again. But Linux won’t let me grow the existing partition since the free space isn’t contiguous. Since I don’t want to reinstall everything, I just created a data partition and have been using that for Steam installs. But I am still running low so yeah, looking to move some apps and realized it doesn’t actually ask me where to install when I install. I saw this thread and figured I’d just ask.

  • Took 11 months to get my Tesla repaired because they were waiting for suspension parts from Tesla. There are only three Tesla certified repair shops in my whole city (of 2 million people) but that wasn’t the issue. The issue was Tesla.

    If the EV’s they’re talking about in the article are Teslas, then I can understand why they would want to get rid of them.

    And to be clear, I love my Tesla, but nobody should be buying one until they get their supply chain shit together. I already passed on buying a Tesla when I had to replace my second car recently. (Went with a PHEV because I need to road trip regularly and non-Tesla charging is still pretty terrible in that area.)

  • Yeah I knew someone was going to respond to my rhetorical “I have no idea” and explain it like I actually care. It’s like saying I have no idea why people buy Microsoft or use Twitter despite them being despicable. Obviously there are lot of things about them that a lot of people like. Obviously not everyone knows about all the despicable things these companies have done and continue to do. Obviously not everyone would care enough to stop using them even if they did know.

    But it still frustrates me. I wish the world was a place where companies like VW couldn’t possibly exist because their own employees would never let them do the things they did, much less their customers or the regulators who are supposed to protect us despite ourselves. But, alas, we do not. And I have no idea why. (<— Rhetorical! Nobody has to try to explain why.)