Are they though? I haven’t seen many stories about it but would entirely expect this to be the case. Especially because many are suddenly unemployed.
Are they though? I haven’t seen many stories about it but would entirely expect this to be the case. Especially because many are suddenly unemployed.
If the choice is having them help your “enemy” or subjecting them to personal trauma, which do you think they’ll choose?
How long before they’re not allowed to leave?
You have to stand up and challenge him. Silence only gets us where we are.
Sure, MRNA is proof the guberment is trying to poison you but the hormonal problems caused by plastics that increase the numbers of people you hate is just fine. It’s tiresome.
How’s that new mandate working out so that tool Ford can deal with trump?
I hadn’t looked closely at that. I’ll have a look, thanks.
I agree with your arguments and especially about new governments tearing up what was done under the other. This would still happen but maybe less. Bottom line is I’d vote for either when in mean getting rid of FPTP. Cheers
I agree and am not opposed to PR. I only worry about the fracturing of the electorate.
I much prefer ranked ballots to PR. IMO PR will lead to dozens of niche parties with single issue platforms that will end in coalition hell.
The title was a bit confusing. I think your point is that it should also be taught at parochial schools. There is no doubt this is the case. The thing that gets me is that is comes down to what public (or private to some extent) educations goal should be. I think that schools should teach all topics as it is important to expose kids to all aspects of life and let their passions lead them to a satisfying path. Others think that parents should have more control in restricting what topics are covered. I think there is a way to honour both approaches but there is conflict in its organization.
As more and more people drift away from corporate control of our connections, I wonder when the U.S. will introduce laws to ban these user controlled environments in the name of national security.
Thanks. I wasn’t aware of the specific mechanism in our trade agreements. No government should be compromising their right to make public policy.
Although I think the volatility of sourcing is probably not a factor in most business (I’m not just talking food), I agree as with everything there would be details to work out. A reasonable exception with regard to information on packaging could be accommodated with a posting on their website. This whole packaging issue has recently been exposed as BS given how quickly and efficiently company’s recently changed packaging and labeling in order to deceive their customers. From my perspective I’ve had enough of corporate crybabies. Thanks for your thoughts and example.
Thank you for adding more substance to my rant. Is the reason for a private business not to disclose the origin of their inputs exactly that by not doing so it deprives me of my right to express my beliefs? Obviously any existing laws or regulations are exactly where I am trying to force change. I don’t agree with the protections offered under trade secrets as I am only suggesting they are forced to add a list of countries and only a percentage of the inputs they represent. In addition I’m already tired of corporations hiding too much under the “trade secret” banner. In general I have not been a fan of corporate governance for some time and feel it is time to bring them to heal. I know this opens up a whole can of worms but I would argue it to the end. Thanks again for your thoughts.
I’m a lazy, not so bright contrarian who doesn’t know the details enough to have formed a sensible defense. What I do know is that I have a right to express my beliefs through my patronage and I’m currently being inhibited in that effort by the intentional obfuscation of the information I need.
I understand the many inputs that are involved but if you take the accounting side of things it would take nothing to identify a % for each country involved. The difficulty you suggest sounds more like a marketing complaint. Company’s have all been only to quick lately to demonstrate how convenient it is to change their packaging.
For years I’ve been thinking about forcing a change to the Consumer Packaging and Labelling Act mentioned here by issuing a charter challenge. My stance would be that not forcing company’s to list all countries of origin and the percentage of material and labour that they make up denies me the information I need to make an informed decision. I have a right to this information so that I can express my support for or against areas of influence that affect my life. Anybody think this would work?
I’m late to the game so I’ll probably skip that step.
That covers some Chinese departures over a period prior to trumps policies but there are a lot more nationalities to cover and more recently I would expect the number to increase substantially. Thanks for the info though. I’m sure there’s more movement to come.