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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • This is the correct answer. Due to wear levelling, a traditional drive wipe program isn’t going to work reliably, whereas most (all?) SSDs have some sort of secure erase function.

    It’s been a while since I read up on it but I think it works due to the drive encrypting everything that’s written to it, though you wouldn’t know it’s happening. When you call the secure erase function it just forgets the key and cycles in a new one, rendering everything previously written to it irrecoverable. The bonus is that it’s an incredibly quick operation.

    Failing that, smash it to bits.

  • “Please take my number off your list.” and hang up. Any company that follows the OFCOM rules is obliged to honour verbal requests for removal, so that’s the correct thing to do.

    Admittedly, a cold calling company that follows the rules is an oxymoron so I tend to just cut them off with a “for fuck sake”, hang up, Google the number out of sheer curiosity, and then add it to the block list. Every now and then I see a number in the call history that’s been auto-blocked, so that at least provides a little satisfaction.

    Or there’s the Google call screening thing, though legitimate callers find it confusing and often hang up before you get chance to take over the call, or assume it’s voicemail and try to leave a message.

  • I don’t know if this counts but I was always disappointed that real life pea shooters and water pistols were nothing like their comic representations, that worked like machine guns and hoses respectively. I suppose the closest we ever got was the Super Soaker.

    Oh, and I’ve never seen a catapult made from a Y shaped stick.

  • I didn’t say you’re wrong, I said you’re not wrong. My point was that it’s easy for us who are already used to home charging to preach about how cheap and easy it is, but it flies over the heads of the average joe who seem to only think about it in terms of the public infrastructure - like petrol stations.

    Hence, ignoring or downplaying the price of public charging because, in reality, it’s a rare occurrence to actually need them does nothing to convince non-EV drivers to switch.

    That was what I was getting at, but ultimately we’re in agreement. If you’re able to charge at home it’s super cheap and super convenient, but the cost of public charging needs to come down drastically if we’re going to convince ICE drivers to make the switch.

  • I mean you’re not wrong but at the same time it’s foolish to write off the cost of public charging as a non-issue. People who are used to having to drive somewhere to fill up with fossil fuels are already wary of charging times and charger availability, so the fact that it currently costs more than petrol is another reason for them to just buy another new combustion car while they’re still available.

    We went electric a smidge under 5 years ago and in that time the cost of a rapid charge has more than doubled. If that had happened to petrol or diesel there would’ve been riots in the streets!

    It’s a ridiculous state of affairs but nothing’s likely to change while the government is beholden to the oil industry. This is exactly what they want.

  • Aw man, yeah, the ending of AC1 where Desmond uses the eagle vision and discovers the code on the wall, it gave me chills at the time. I was so hyped for where they were going to go with the story and for a modern day assassin arc.

    But I guess they realised they had near infinite points of history they could stretch the franchise out to, and keeping the Desmond story going was only going to limit their cash cow’s potential.

    I checked out half way through the Ezio arc that seemed to go on forever and only went back because everyone was raving about Black Flag. By then the modern day story made zero sense to me and was just a slog.