Very much same. I was an art kid. I painted and wrote and sang and played music, fast forward 30 years and I’m on a computer for 8ish hours at work, then another 8ish hours at home then sleep, with phone time scattered through out.
Very much same. I was an art kid. I painted and wrote and sang and played music, fast forward 30 years and I’m on a computer for 8ish hours at work, then another 8ish hours at home then sleep, with phone time scattered through out.
On the flip side, I’m hopeful that the large scale waste people have will finally drive more local filament recycling services.
You will get there(although I haven’t heard great things about Fedora gaming). I made the switch November 2021 and I haven’t booted back into windows in about 9 months. I ended up picked EndeavourOS cause I wanted something Arch based to be as close to Steam Deck packages as possible(and I already prefer KDE Plasma, so picked that as well).
I still have my hiccups. I still can’t get SteamVR to work at all.
I spent about 45 minutes yesterday troubleshooting why Outward stopped working, when all the protondb reviews say “it just works”. I did eventually get it working from a random suggestion from the arch forums to add PROTON_NO_FSYNC=1 %command%
to the steam launch commands and that fixed it. If I had to guess I think it’s something to do with my 1070Ti not playing nicely with the latest nvidia drivers.
Also Epic made some sort of stupid update to FallGuys and I can no longer get it working for more one initial run per install. So that’s frustrating.
But I also love how much I know my system now. I love being able to update everything from one or two commands. I love pipewire for doing music recording stuff.(I fought for years on windows to try and cobble together something similar). I love having bash macros to easily download embedded videos and do quick ffmpeg conversions. Really, it definitely comes down to how I feel much more connected to this system than I ever did to a windows install.
They FINALLY added a tab at the top to select between All, Steam Deck, or Linux. I just noticed yesterday.
I do both. I use Obsidian to maintain lots of notes and links and such. But I also carry a fountain pen and a notebook in my pocket. I find when I write stuff down in there I tend to remember it more. I also carry an A5 notebook at work to take down work notes and track my todo’s. More productive, looks better in meetings, and I’m less likely to get distracted by notifications or the draw of apps/social-media.
Lots of times I’ll do a drawing of dimensions or an idea, then I’ll take a picture of that and throw it in Obsidian later. Also if it’s a note that I want to keep later I’ll transcribe it into my digital notes.
I just enjoy the act of writing and getting to own a pen that I won’t just lose or loan away. I’ll also pick up old notebooks sometimes and be reminded of things I wanted to do or ideas I had that got missed, and the reminder is way more tangible and impacting that being reminded by found digital notes. It comes with the tactile memories as well.
automatic response, same as when someone says “how’s it going” to a cashier, and the person responds “good”. this interaction rarely means anything other than formality. The person asking doesn’t usually want to know, and the person responding doesn’t usually want to tell
I chose engineering, and when I started I loved it, but eventually I ended up working in places I didn’t like, on jobs that made me feel dirty, but now I don’t know any other way to maintain the lifestyle I’m accustomed to.
listen, i can get a burger for free out of dumpster, but I’d rather pay for one from the menu.
that is a fantastic build. and the wax lacing! It’s such a lost art, but it works so damn well! Next PC build I do I’m lacing all of my cabling.
I feel like there’s a collision of fetishes here about to start paying for your yarn habit.
huh, I always felt it was kinda dead.
Block freely and block often.
“City Morge. You stab 'em, we bag 'em.”
that movie is a god damned cinematic masterpiece. this is how I know rotten tomatoes is full of shit.
Agreed, although I was disappointed in the last one, but that’s because Chronicles was my favorite, and I had hoped it would spawn a Star Wars-esque space opera like series. I was super invested in the world. We still never got to see the underverse! I get what happened with three. Two didn’t do well enough to support the investment that a true sequel would require, so they tried to cater more towards the pitch black “space thriller” audience, but it just felt like they rewrote pitch black on another planet.
This was my immediate thought as well. Easily in my top 5 movies.
Hard to remember because it was in 2000 on my gateway PC, but I remember trying to setup Gentoo and redhat and knoppix and failing miserably.
Fucking hell there’s a lot of dedicated people here, or a lot of liars.
I’ve been unable to build any kind of oral hygiene routine my entire life. My parents were absentee parents so I never built the habit when I was young. I’ve had major bouts of depression my whole life, I was only recently diagnosed ADHD, and in general am shit at any routines, and on top of that I never have tooth/gum pain to remind me to brush and the dentist doesn’t hurt/bother me. Even having been in the military didn’t establish any kind of routine. But I’ve definitely paid for it. I don’t know how many thousands of dollars worth of crowns I have, and I know it’s just a matter of time before I have to pay for bridges/implants.
It literally just doesn’t occur to me that it’s a thing unless I am specifically reminded externally and do it immediately. I’ve tried reminder apps, notes on the bathroom mirror, Alexa reminders, but they all become background noise after a while.
Yea, there are a lot of writers who have gone back to dedicated writing machines because of this. Things like the Freewrite. Also means you have to manually transfer research content so its more firm in your mind.