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Cake day: February 26th, 2024


  • Jurors are not issued security clearances.


    AI summary of the process using the article and other sources -

    The process of presenting classified information at a trial involves careful adherence to the Classified Information Procedures Act (CIPA), which provides a framework for handling such sensitive materials while balancing national security interests and the defendant’s right to a fair trial.

    1. Pretrial Procedures:

      • A pretrial conference is held to discuss how classified information will be managed. The court issues protective orders to prevent unauthorized disclosures [❞] [❞].
      • The government can request to delete or redact classified information from discovery or provide unclassified summaries instead. This request is typically made in a private (ex parte) and closed (in camera) session with the judge [❞] [❞].
    2. Defense Counsel Clearance:

      • Defense attorneys often need security clearances to access classified information. Defendants typically do not receive direct access to such information, especially if it poses significant national security risks [❞] [❞].
    3. Use at Trial:

      • Before trial, defendants must notify the court of any classified information they intend to disclose. The court holds a hearing to determine the admissibility of this information, and the government may propose substitutions or redactions [❞] [❞].
      • If the court deems the classified information relevant and admissible, the government can suggest unclassified summaries or stipulations to ensure the defense can still present their case effectively [❞].
    4. Jury Considerations:

      • Jurors typically do not need security clearances. Instead, the court ensures that any classified information presented at trial is sufficiently sanitized or summarized so that it does not compromise national security but still conveys the necessary details for the case [❞].
    5. Interlocutory Appeals:

      • The government has the right to appeal pretrial court decisions that it believes improperly compel the disclosure of classified information. This is a crucial mechanism to protect sensitive information throughout the trial process [❞].

    This structured approach aims to protect classified information while upholding the integrity of the judicial process.

  • I agree with the Idea that being in a position for too long increases the possibility of corruption. But, I’ll counter with two thoughts:

    1.) Shouldn’t people have the ability to vote for who they want to represent them? If the people of Vermont want to keep on rejecting Bernie Sanders, why should they not be able to? (Valid counterpoint- Dianne Feinstein)

    2.) This is the less trivial one - I fear that term limits would invite more corruption, as the representatives understand they only have a limited amount of time to grease as many palms and make as many connections as possible in their limited amount of time in office. We already have issues with the lame duck period, and those are currently measured in weeks. I can only imagine what I’d be like if a large portion of reps had full lame duck sessions.

  • Synopsis by Gemini -

    This video by Mrwhosetheboss argues that big tech companies are prioritizing profits over users. The video uses the term “in ification” to describe a three-stage pattern that many tech companies follow. In the first stage, the company offers a superior service at a lower price to gain users. Once they have a large user base, the company focuses on increasing profits from those users by employing tactics like tiering and subscriptions. Finally, the company may reduce the quality of the service while still charging more.

    The video uses Uber as an example. Initially, Uber was significantly cheaper and more convenient than taxis. Uber was able to attract a large user base by offering low prices and a better user experience. Once Uber had a dominant market share, they introduced surge pricing and began to take a larger cut of each fare.

    The video also criticizes the proliferation of subscription services. The video argues that many companies are offering subscription services for features that were previously free or included in a lower-priced subscription. The video says that this can be a bad deal for consumers, especially when they have to subscribe to multiple services to access all the content they want.

    Overall, the video argues that big tech companies are becoming less user-friendly and more focused on extracting money from their users. The video concludes with a call to action, urging viewers to be more critical of subscription services and to cancel them when they are not being used.