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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • That’s a pedantic way to answer a question that you understand the purpose of, but are choosing to answer it hyper literally. So, I’ll respond hyper literally. You don’t remember anything about before you were born because you weren’t there to experience it. You’re recalling scientific theories and stories passed down through the years about historic events that took place before your birth.

    The question again since you want to be hyper literal is “what do you remember about ‘your life’ before you were born?”. It’s a thought experimemt to make you think about the totality and finite of nothingness.

  • If people’s first thought about women’s volleyball is that it’s purely a sport for Voyeurism, then that’s their bag to unpack on their own time. I watch Women’s Gymnastics and Figure Skating since my wife got me into it and I won’t entertain that shit with my friends. If I wanted to watch something just because there’s hot people in it, then I’ll just watch some regular ass porn.

    I definitely won’t shy away from the fact that there are incredibly attractive women participating at an elite level in these sports, but I’m all about equal opportunity and will also absolutely recognize some hot bros doing gymnastics and figure skating. Usually shuts people up when I start talking about how hot football players are on the team they like to rattle on about forever.

  • The Smiths fight scene in the park that happens in Reloaded is arguably one of the best fight sequences out of the OT.

    The first movie was ground breaking though and holds up so well. I think if Equilibrium had a higher budget and visionaries like the Wachowskis working on it, it likely would be as highly regarded as the Matrix.

  • I watched a guy get kicked out of the Costco food court area because he kept saying his dog was an “licensed” ESA. The Costco manager busted out a little card with the relevant federal laws for a service animal and listed all the rules the dog was breaking by lunging at people, not staying under the table, and barking it’s head off at a real service animal that was just sitting calmly under it’s owners table like nothing was going on around it.

    Even if your dog is truly a licensed and trained service animal, but you’ve allowed it to continously break all the rules it’s supposed to follow in a private business. They can still kick you out if your dog doesn’t behave like it’s supposed to be behaving. That’s why it’s a big no no to interact with working animals with their vests on and for owners to let their working animals to break the rules repeatedly by misbehaving and never correcting them.