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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • UN, which… failed to keep dictatorships out

    The UN while created with noble intentions certainly fell for the paradox of tolerance. They tolerate the dictatorships and human rights abusers because if they didn’t they’d be much less empowered to take action against them, or worse they’d form their own competing UN made up of nations motivated to join them and you’d just end up with another NATO and Warsaw Pact for example. It’s damned if you do, damned if you don’t.

    Ultimately the challenge comes down to how do you ultimately tame the leaders of the world who have absolute power. The founding fathers of the United States of America thought they had the solution with democracy and the many checks and balances they implemented into this new form of government they setup, but even that has its challenges and failures that they never could have forseen. The UN was the next experiment, trying to take the similar principles onto the world stage, and it’s been less successful (but at least has had some successes)

  • Just a reminder, this shithead crossed state lines to dump gas on the fire of a protest

    The “crossed state lines” thing really irks me because does nobody know that maps exist? I’m thinking about crossing state lines today because I need to get more baby wipes. Shithead went to the next town over, which just so happened to be in a different state.

    But let’s also not forget he went and partied with KKK members immediately after posting his crowdfunded bail, just in case there’s any questions on how much of a shithead he is

  • I feel that. I completed a degree that easily leads into being a sysadmin or network engineer, but my paid internship ended and I needed a job, so I snagged the best one I could get immediately, which happened to be as a cloud admin configuring a Salesforce-like SAAS product. The work doesn’t thrill me but the benefits are cushy enough and it seemed to be the best paying opportunity I had at the time (I could tell I was the top applicant for a couple of jobs I was applying to) I work close enough to IT to hear chatter about the things i actually care about and get roped into tasks that are more in line with what i want to do full time, but ultimately that’s not my job right now, so it’s just one offs that keep me thirsting for more.

    But now my needs are shifting and I’m struggling to land an interview for a hybrid role in a city an hour away that I intend to move to. Seems I’m getting the most traction with state jobs (I’m currently “eligible for further consideration” on 3 of them, but have yet to get a call to interview) but I think I can swing it if it just happens to be a tight labor market right now. I’m taking my time to focus on myself as well and try to improve myself outside of work and just enjoy what life has to offer

  • I happen to have family members with birthdays in early March and early April, so I just remember to time it between those two dates. Y’know because just going “it’s March it’s time to cut back the weeds!” Isn’t enough

    I also do a daily bike ride around sunset, and I try to do a very quick walk around the yard before/after which gives another opportunity to grab thr loppers and chop a couple of things that are growing in a bad spot

  • I currently only have hand powered yard tools aside from the gas powered lawnmower that came with the house. As long as you stay on top of the pruning hand tools get the job done. I discovered a 20+ foot tall tree hiding in a larger pine when I went to pull a vine off of it and still managed to chop it up with the handsaw for normal city collection. Poured some stump killer on the stumps and one full spring later (I did this at the end of winter when it was nice and cool out, and everything was still dead/hibernating) only one stump shows any signs of life out of the 4 trees I chopped down, and it might even just be a new shoot.

  • In a race where it’s estimated 40k people will decide the entire outcome, getting 20% of the country on your side is good numbers.

    Republicans have been saying shit about eliminating income taxes for years, or even flat out eliminating the IRS. I don’t see this specific policy turning "millions"of voters like you say.

    The best thing trump can do is get voters excited. Voter turnout is abysmal in this country. Whoever gets more people to actually show up to vote wins. Joe Biden was a shoe in before he hard-backed Israel and now it’s a toss-up