EVIE, I will drain your energy, thanks for giving me your attention. It’s what I wanted!

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 14th, 2023


  • Scrubs should have been done with season 7, saying good bye to JD. no weird season 8 with new side stories that all sucked!!

    Oh and Family guy… when Seth left the writing and production of the show and only did voicing, the shows quality changed … it’s funny, but its no where near as on the nose funny as season 1 through 10… now when they break the fourth wall for a brake away joke, it just feels… off… peter is not ironically funny anymore… the meg jokes got stale and honestly cruel to where it was not Soo funny anymore… Lois used to be a great loving mother, even to meg, then became just cold and unrelatable to me… Stewie was funnier as a world domination deviant before they completey changed his character around…, Brian used to be more relatable and then just got pretentious and misogynistic that really wasn’t ironically funny anymore… Chris is maybe the one character who has barely changed from the early seasons… idk it’s just not that funny any more to me…

  • Yeah, if I sort by new, or hot, I will get plenty of boob/vag images… not that I’m hating, I believe women should be able to post this is they want, but I also am not a huge porn consumer as woman myself… it’s just not my bag. Lol so it can be a little surpriseing to see full bodies after reading musk foiled Ukrainian plans, the Wisconsin GOP trying to impeach an elected (D) supreme court judge, and then bam! Crotch shot lmao 🤣😂

  • How do you do that? I thought I had one on, but I still see sooooo much porn that it makes scrolling uncomfortable in public. I have young kids, so I have to make sure they aren’t in the room if I am scrolling cause too often it’s a random obscene naked chick or dick that is really not all that tasteful of an image… lol and no, I am not prude, but the porn on lemmy I have seen is really…subpar lol 😅