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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023


  • That´s one thing I GENUINELY can´t wrap my head around with lemmy in general. How is it, that the admins of one lemmy instance feel responsible for what gets posted in a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT instance to the point they feel the need to keep their own members from even seeing it? It doesn´t reflect negatively on firefox, that they allow me to access piracy sites. It doesn´t reflect negatively on gmail that they allow me to use their email address to subscribe to piracy stuff. Why would it reflect negatively on lemmy.world, if their members also accessed piracy stuff? Are the admins of lemmy.world somehow responsible for what their members do, even if it´s not on their own instance?

  • IMO, resources like the Megathread create a false sense of security here. People read something on there and think downloading anything from sites on the megathread is absolutely safe. Just like any admin of a torrent site can´t catch anything bad before it can cause any damage, the authors of the megathred also can´t be 100% aware of each and every upload on every one of the sites featured there.

    Just use your brains guys. We´re talking about piracy here after all!

  • I´m genuienely baffled why the mods of those protesting subs didn´t, at least as a backup plan, also created an alternative community on here right away. Sure, in the beginning, they might have hoped the protests could work. But even after the first two days blackuot, it was pretty clear that Reddit didn´t care at all. So why even fight this fight and not just go “Well, have fun without us Reddit. And here´s a tutorial on how to join us over at lemmy.” EDIT: I know some did. r/piracy I believe were pretty open about packing up and moving to lemmy. And as the days go by, more and more “stuff” I used Reddit for also pops up on some lemmy server or another. Still, an at least fairly organized move would have been nice.

  • When there are no “mild” solutions to the big problems, those who simply ignore the problem get the vote.

    We drove climate change to a point where we simply can´t even begin to reign it in without drastic measures. Measures that are expensive, inconvenient, not fun at all. That´s just the reality. Along comes a party that says “You know that big problem because of which the current gov want´s to make all our lives harder in an attempt to solve it? We sure don´t have any better solutions BUT what if we just agree to ignore it for a time?”.