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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: September 24th, 2023


  • I mean, Jevon’s Paradox works because the increased efficiency leads to decreased costs. It’s unclear if that’s going to be the case for electric cars because the hardware needed to get to that high efficiency is so expensive, and mostly made cost-effective by government assistance (I.e. eletric cars here in the UK do not pay road tax).

    I’m also not sure if lowered costs would massively change the number of drivers (at least in the developed world) in the EU there’s one car for every two people. We’re not going to see that become 5 cars for every two people just because the efficiency increases, demand is too inelastic.

  • I think the propaganda is the nefarious reason.

    Tories have been talking about this since at least the coalition, if they had really wanted to impliment something like this they would’ve. The fact they haven’t implies:

    • They don’t actually want it. Judging on recent scandals any chaste puritans in the tory party are so far in the back benches as to be blind to any goings on up front.
    • They want to keep talking about it. See also: immigration. They know they have shit policies in every other area, so they need ‘vote winners’ among their core demographic (50 and over). Hence: save the kids, stop the boats, shag the flag. Labour and Lib-dems are never going to be able to present themselves as credible in these areas because of their historical leanings, so the tories don’t actually need to back up their promises with any actual ‘progress’ on these issues.

  • So I’m all for children ***not ***starving, I’d like to get that out the way. That being said, this article could be a lot more specific.

    4 million people experienced destitution in 2022. Destitution is when people cannot afford to meet their most basic physical needs to stay warm, dry, clean and fed.

    Is that an “and” or an “or”? Are children hungry and homeless, or are they going hungry to avoid being homeless, neither is good obviously, but it makes the difference between a third world country and a very shitty first world country.

    with almost three quarters (72%) of those destitute being in receipt of benefits. charities – such as food banks – to try to prevent people from experiencing the worst of destitution, but the task is too great for them.

    Are the destitution statistics based on what people can afford pre or post these thing? Obviously it’s bad when people need to rely on charity & government assistance to afford their essentials, but it’s unclear from the article how stressed these systems are.

    Single people of working age continue to be the worst-affected group by far … followed by no statistics pertaining to this group!!!

    Idk I just want more figures. That’s all I guess