• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • Again, I agree, but my comment was about automobiles.

    Nearly 40% of Honda’s automobile production took place in China in the last financial year.

    Honda would continue to keep its supply chain in China for the domestic market in the world’s second-largest economy while building a separate one for markets outside of China, the Sankei said. It did not say where it got the information.

    That’s not “pulling out of China”. That’s a sign of Chinese domestic automobile consumption rising.

    Biden has expanded Section 301 of the Trade Act of 1974 to include more imports.

    I haven’t seen much to suggest he’s enforcing it. These laws are consistently toothless, in the same way more and more of our regulatory system is toothless.

  • They’ve since been pulling out of China

    Firstly, no they haven’t. US trade with China has only ever increased year-over-year going back to the 1960s.

    Secondly, our hunger for cheap labor is sending us to penal colonies across the rest of the Pacific Rim. This isn’t something that began or ended with a single factory in a single country.

    Many nations are cracking down on imports related to Uyghur labor.

    They’re not. The business is just being laundered through front companies.

    Upon the review of the ASPI report, Skechers said it contacted senior management at Luzhou prior to conducting two additional audits of the factory — none of which revealed any indications of forced labor. Luzhou, however, did confirm that members of the Uyghur ethnic group did comprise a portion of its workforce but were employed under compliant terms and conditions.

    Shoving thumbs in my ears and saying “I don’t see the non-compliance, its all fine actually!” and letting the provisions go completely unenforced.

    And that’s before you get into direct sales through Ali Baba and Temu

  • This isn’t competition, it sounds like the CCP heavily subsidises the manufacture

    China: “Here, have a bunch of cheap electric vehicles to replace your aging fleet of ICE engines. Don’t worry, we’re picking up a part of the tab.”

    Americans: “What a great deal! We’ll buy them in droves.”

    State Government: “Not so fast! This wouldn’t be fair to honest, hard working domestic car companies like Tesla and Volvo and Toyota.”

    Thinking in decades or centuries is a very powerful tool!

    Shame we’re only capable of thinking about the next quarter’s profits.