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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • I also think the abundance of content is a part of the issue, but with no clear solution. People are bombarded with a thousand stories about a thousand different things going on in their country, the world, their city, etc… But we know that Humans can only reasonably maintain around 150-200 close personal relationships max that you would be able to converse with and empathize with and what not, Dunbars number.

      I think this is part of the problem why people see everything in black and white imo, there's an abundance of information out there and our society currently is in a state where everyone has to have an opinion on every conceivable subject but that's just not feasible. And when there's so much information to parse through humans tend to group things together as we love our patterns. So if you believe an idea from this group of people, you must believe the 100 other possible interpretations of correlated subjects and what not, or at least that's how people tend to view others expressing certain viewpoints.
    I struggle with this and people who espouse hateful ideas and disinformation against Trans people, a lot of people may not know any better or believe that there's this widespread push to transition people as young as possible which just isn't the case. It's something I find hard to extend grace on, it feels morally wrong to prevent people from making informed decisions between themselves and their healthcare specialist and besides that it is such a tiny portion of the population to be focusing on when there are much bigger widespread issues that affect us all. But its also something I feel is fueled a bit by this same issue we are discussing, I'm honestly not sure how you would work against this besides smaller and more tight-knit communities but then you have echo chambers, not that it wasn't a problem in some subreddits as well. Very interesting thing to think about! Love hearing everyones thoughts!