• 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023


  • I agree with most of what you said. But the right won’t get in again unless they toughen up on immigration. The far right or the left will get in and the left know people want lowered immigration.

    I’m never voting labour, I never have and I never will unless they try to get rid of FPTP. They are going to win anyway so my vote does nothing.

    I’m sad to see that you’ve been convinced that we would ever be allowed to work less, under right wing governments.

    I don’t think we will. But I love this country and I’m willing to make sacrifices, if I need to work 6 days a week to keep immigration down that’s a tradeoff I’m happy to accept. But again. I don’t represent 20 million votes. Me voting labour or reform isn’t going to get either party in power/ keep them out.

  • you need to hire a higher number of women / Black people / handicapped people to catch up

    Thus reads like diversity hire.

    Look we both agree give everyone the sane opportunity, education houses etc.

    But you get a company like this 100 people. Over 30’s: male 80:20 female

    So you get 10 new entry level openings, applications male 70:30 female. There a load of shit going on here, but to make it simple we both agree women have previously been under represented (let’s ignore children and whatever).

    There are some people who say we are going to have an intake of under 30’s so because the workforce isn’t 50:50 male to female we should ideally hire only women until we get it to 50:50.

    So now you hire 10 women and have a workforce of male 80:30 women. Right?

    That’s not fair. Even hiring 50% women isn’t fair. Everyone should have equal opportunity, thats thr only way it is fair. It should be 7 men 3 women, on average.

    Discriminating against men now doesn’t stop women in the past being discriminated against it just adds to the amount of people discriminated against. There is no other way to treat people than fairly.

  • So you’re saying to start a new system where you only hire non white/ non males. Suddenly you have a whole generation of young men/ young whites being passed over for positions just because they are white/ male. So what happens the next generation? You only hire white males because they were past over in the last generation.

    No mention of hiring based on lower income. No you are doing it based on race. So rich black people get a huge benefit over poor white people who never had any opportunities and currently don’t but, fuck them right, they are white. They shouldn’t feel hard done by that they are poor have no opportunities in life because hey that CEO is an old white guy.

    This is why it’s stupid you are actively disenfranchising people. Sure people got mistreated in the past but misreading people now isn’t going to make them be not mistreated. It just means twice as many people have been mistreated.