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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 3rd, 2023


  • I’ve tried 4 times, 1 was a complete rejection that nearly ruined a friendship, the second was a weird soft-rejection that led to a friends relationship that felt a lot like I was taking advantage of this person. That ended when they moved away.

    The other two led to relationships, one lasted a month and ended with me getting dumped. Second is my current girlfriend.

    All of these happened within a year, starting when I was 22. Before that first rejection I had never made a move on anyone because I had 0 self confidence and could only see women as sexual objects. The girl who first rejected me was the first one that I liked for genuine reasons, which allowed me to change the way I looked at women. I now have a lot of female friends and hardly ever think about women I see in a sexual way, when 2 years ago I couldn’t see a woman without thinking that way. I owe a lot to the girl who rejected me, and we are now friends again, for which I am grateful.

  • Oh buddy I moved to AB from SK lmao. Yeah people are generally nice, just clueless when it comes to politics. I have a trans/gay friend who voted for Sask Party a couple years ago and when they told me I was like wtf. Worse yet it came out that their specific representative was very homophobic and transphobic…

    Before this person had voted.

    I think some level of research should be essential before you vote, but there’s no way to enforce that. So I urge everybody I know to research before they vote so that they can make an informed decision.

  • (intentionally vague)

    Someone I know still keeps contact with someone that groomed them, and molested them when they were underage. They still consider this person a friend somehow. Thankfully, they moved across the country away from this person, but I’m scared for them to go back. They were also in an abusive relationship with another person, who they would still keep contact with if this person hadn’t blocked them on everything. It shows a lack of self respect/esteem that really makes me sad, because I do love this person, and the thought of them going back and letting this shit continue really frightens me.