• 12 Posts
Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 19th, 2024


  • You are absolutely right and I had not considered your second point, after all it is a free site and it would be hosting free stuff stupidly, but it wouldn’t necessarily have to be a site hosted by someone, it could simply be a torrent index (although that would have to be hosted by someone else, but you won’t need exabytes of space or unlimited bandwidth) where the users themselves share and host the file, it would make sense? probably not at all, but on torrent you will find those who share Ubuntu ISOs and music downloaded directly from Youtube, maybe someone did something like that with NexusMods.

    I don’t have the slightest problem creating accounts, my problem comes when I create an account and my inbox starts to fill up with spam, and it doesn’t matter if I delete my account, they already have my email in their database, which they are probably going to share or sell to third parties. I’m not saying it’s the case of Nexusmods, honestly it’s the first time I use it in my life, but there are millions of websites, how can I trust one or the other? Simple, I don’t, that’s why I use temporary emails and email maskers.

    I love when people assume things beforehand.

  • I think on Reddit most mods were volunteers, those who were paid were the admins.

    And so far I haven’t encountered any problems with moderators personally although not long ago there was a problem with a community (c/shitposting) where some unscrupulous users started to upload child pornography (CP) (another term is used but I don’t remember) in the comments as images and that sucked because Lemmy unlike Reddit has no automatic post deletion tool (like bots) or enough moderation tools (as I have read from some moderators) and you must consider that the instances are maintained by people like you and me without any legal backing, if I have an instance where I federated with you and someone uploads CP to your instance, that CP will be in my own instance and that can have serious legal consequences for everyone. and besides, since moderators are volunteers they can’t spend all day checking every post and comment because they have a real life out there.