Proud anti-fascist & bird-person

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • That is a great point about pseudopaul. I had forgotten that this letter’s authenticity was questionable.

    However there are practically no evangelical groups who would agree with modern scholarship on the subject, so my larger point holds: they believe that Paul instructed women to be subservient and silent.

    Also, as far as I can tell, Paul was one of the ones who shifted Jesus’ prophecy about his coming kingdom from that of an imminent apocalypse to a prediction about the rise of the Christian church. While he did believe that the end of the world was near, so do a huge swath of Christians today.

    Thanks for the correction, it is appreciated.

  • But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority over the man, but to be in silence.

    -1 Timothy 2:12

    This is why I hate the “these aren’t real Christians” no-true-Scotsman dismissals.

    The Bible is a toxic book full of misogyny and racism. Sure it has some good stuff in there, but when the founder of Christianity* is so clear about his thoughts on the subjugation of women then these are Christians following the teachings of their religion.

    Christianity is only compatible with the modern world when it is so diluted by humanism that it would be unrecognizable by its founder; that’s why reactionaries are working to change the world instead of updating their morality. They want power over people, and enforcing their backwards ideology is their path forward.

    * And Paul was the founder of the religion; Jesus didn’t expect the world to last longer than the lives of his disciples

  • From The Reaction Mind- Conservatism from Edmund Burke to Donald Trump by Corey Robin:

    Republicans have learned to disguise their intentions so well, in other words, that the disguise has seeped into and transformed the intention.

    Even without directly engaging the progressive argument, conservatives may absorb, by some elusive osmnosis, the deeper categories and idioms of the left, even when those idioms run directly counter to their official stance. After years of opposing the women’s movement, for example, Phyllis Schlafly seemed genuinely incapable of conjuring the prefeminist view of women as deferential wives and mothers. Instead, she celebrated the activist “power of the positive woman.” And then, as if borrowing a page from The Feminine Mystique, she railed against the meaninglessness and lack of fulfillment among American women; the difference was that she blamed these ills on feminism rather than on sexism. When she spoke out against the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), she didn’t claim that it introduceda radical new language of rights. Her argument was the opposite. The ERA, she told the Washington Star, “is a takeaway of women’s rights.” It will “take away the right of the wife in an ongoing marriage, the wife in the home.” Schlafly was obviously using the language of rights in a way that was opposed to the aims of the feminist movement; she was using rights talk to put women back into the home, to keep them as wives and mothers. But that is the point: conservatism adapts and adopts, often unconsciously, the language of democratic reform to the cause of hierarchy.

    This is the best book I’ve read for understanding conservatism.

  • The woman, referred to as “Witness 1” in an FBI affidavit, previously recalled how a bit of “comically minimal ego-stroking” on her part led to Taake and other Jan. 6 participants giving up information about their activities during that attack.

    “I felt a bit of ‘civic duty,’ I guess, but truthfully, I was mostly just mad and thinking, ‘F— these guys,’” the woman, who spoke anonymously for fear of online reprisal, said. The men wanted to “regurgitate” the lies they heard from prominent Republicans about the 2020 presidential election, she said.

    That woman is an American hero.