It seems the boomers are beginning to migrate to Instagram now as well. I took that as a sign to take the plunge and migrate to BlueSky, PixelFed, and Lemmy.
It seems the boomers are beginning to migrate to Instagram now as well. I took that as a sign to take the plunge and migrate to BlueSky, PixelFed, and Lemmy.
Lmao what? I deleted Facebook 5 years ago.
Yep! I genuinely believe this is an effort to 1) keep Americans too scared to leave and 2) keep foreigners too scared of coming in
Pretty cool. I searched ‘Samson’ to try it out.
Yea, I’m sick of this white washed narrative.
White Canadians can be just as xenophobic and racist as Americans.
Personally, my only picks are the first two with the Wayan Bros. attached. Scary Movie 3 was not bad but it felt off without the OG creators.
Please tell me you’ve seen Scary Movie 1 & 2?..
Well, you did incorrectly cite your source and disingenuously remove the last two verses of the passage you were trying to attack.
Adding a tag at the end of your comment that “some Christian is going to tell me I’m quoting out of context or misinterpreting the text” doesn’t dispel you of literally doing those things. Also, I didn’t “handwave” away your argument. I systematically approached each of your points and rebutted them with the correct sources.
Oof. Where do I begin? You actually incorrectly cited the source of the verse you are quoting, so we’re off to a great start.
First off, you’ve incorrectly cited the verse to Mark 15:21-28 which is about Jesus’ crucifixion instead of Matthew 15:21-28 which you also sneakily removed the last two verse (27, 28) which are necessary to understand the context.
27 “Yes it is, Lord,” she said. “Even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their master’s table.”
28 Then Jesus said to her, “Woman, you have great faith! Your request is granted.” And her daughter was healed at that moment.
Also, Jesus alludes to his Parable of The Lost Sheep (Matthew 18:10-14, Luke 15:3-7) when he said, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel”. In this context, the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15 is just one of many lost sheep.
In regards to marital divorce in Matthew 19; yea, this one is pretty easy if we take into consideration that social customs have been continuously evolving. The first verse in Matthew 18 begins with Pharisees attempting to catch Jesus in an ideological “gotcha”.
“Some Pharisees came to him to test him. They asked, “Is it lawful for a man to divorce his wife for any and every reason?”
Jesus responds by saying, “…they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”
Keep in mind, when the Israelites were autonomous from foreign rule, they imposed the death penalty to those who committed adultery. It wasn’t until Moses that the concept of a divorce certificate was created, eliminating death to adulterers, which was a socially progressive move for that ancient time period. After all, you can’t create the act of divorce without first creating the act of marriage. I’ll continue with Matthew 19:7:
“Why then,” the Pharisees asked, “did Moses command that a man give his wife a certificate of divorce and send her away?” Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning.”
The hearts of the people during Moses’ time had become hardened, cold, unsympathetic to those who committed adultery and sentenced them to death. The certificate of divorce that Moses proposed allowed for the hearts of people to soften instead of, you know, killing in the name of law.
So, when the Pharisees present this question to Jesus, he doesn’t actually say anything about whether women can or cannot divorce their husband, as you seem to imply. Jesus simply explains the history of the Pharisees’ own religious law back to them. They wanted him to take a definitive side so they could have him arrested for heresy and he didn’t take that bait.
The UK is opting for Minority Report.
Yea, I see it as a 2FA authentication in a way.
May look into this considering I just received an email from Scrivener about my current version no longer being supported, and that I will lose access if I update to Windows 11…
Yea, and apparently corporatism is a perfect vessel for casteism as well. There have been reports of casteism in American corporate offices. If you violate the caste customs, you get fired, so there’s incentive to uphold both casteism and corporatism.
Yea, you’re right. It just reminds me of Japan’s relationship with Germany in WWII who considered them “honorary aryans” which was an arbitrary titled that could easily be rescinded, and rooted in Nazi Germany’s superior race ideology.
I think the sensibilities of the audience has shifted since the new millennia. Multicam feels claustrophobic to the modern audience and that’s one of the main aesthetics of retro trek.
The other thing is that every Trek series, aside from DS9, depicts a pretty rigid, hierarchical, militaristic environment. Maybe not as much as Klingons or Cardassians but I think this setting, the nomenclature, the general vibe is becoming alienating to a modern audience. Keep in mind, people have become highly cynical toward predominately white and Westernized institutions, and the Federation is very much that. It feels like America with Aliens on board. English is the only language ever really spoken aside from some alien languages.
In my opinion, there needs to be a show that pulls heavily from DS9 while maintaining some of that optimism and sincerity we love from retro Trek. It needs to oscillate between these juxtaposed tones. The show should be told from the perspective of multiple equals that make consensus based decisions instead of a primary Captain like Picard, Sisko, or Janeway who supersedes all decisions. Everyone has specific roles but there is no hierarchy.
Also, remove the white savior element that retro Trek holds over many of the beings they come across in the franchise. The group, whomever they are, would be far more interesting as some kind of nomadic space commune that is extremely removed from federation involvement. If anything, I’d say at most there is one person with ties to the federation but perhaps they left for unknown reasons providing rich backstory and future storylines if they do come across the federation.
This perspective is more akin to the actual lens the average viewer sees the world. We are not making cosmic decisions, we’re just trying to survive. And, when we see the government, we see a dark looming presence hovering over us, trying to tell us the best way to live our lives, and it’s fucking annoying, right?
That should be the New Trek.
“Well now you see, we are staging a homage to William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and we’re a little late for the dress rehearsal. I’m playing the eponymous hero. Romeo, not Juliet.”
Indians 4 Trump always baffled me. I suspect they’re largely red pilled Hindu nationalists that think this new wave of fascism includes them. I guess it really boils down to the enemy (Trump) of their enemy (Muslims) are their friend.
It’s the most organic way of socializing
Get Organic Maps! It’s open source.
Exactly. Corporate media knows how to profit off of fear-mongering and suffering.