Users per day is a bit too volatile - it’s showing 2/day atm - so the bot uses Users per Week. Also, the data is from a crawler, so there’s a bit of lag, and it can end up picking up on activity that’s already been and gone.
Users per day is a bit too volatile - it’s showing 2/day atm - so the bot uses Users per Week. Also, the data is from a crawler, so there’s a bit of lag, and it can end up picking up on activity that’s already been and gone.
nearly there
A few more to reach thread cut off
Apologies to anyone browsing by ‘New Comments’, but I’m using this old post for a bit of cheeky testing in production.
Paging myself:
Paging another local user:
Paging a remote user on a different instance:
Paging a remote user on this instance:
Paging the OP of this post:
Testing user mention: paging
It’ll feature naturally in a bit (the bot tries to measure trends over the previous 7 days, and that community was only created a few days ago).
Edited to remove hexbear@hexbear
and add it to the filtered communities (and remove main@hexbear
from filtered communities, which I’d mistakenly thought was their meta one).
The only available values are the ones that a) are provided by Lemmy’s API, and b) picked on by the crawler at I don’t think that includes visitor counts.
There’s no point in a bot that posts any absolute values, as they’re available from the platform itself. The idea with the bot is to track growth, and if there’s no growth, well, there’s no growth. I’ll see if the bot can post less often for NSFW stuff, like once a week, as a daily post isn’t usually producing much of anything worthwhile.
The ‘trending communities bot’ relies on another bot, at That bot is a bit fragile, and hasn’t worked for a week: see
If you follow the GitHub link, you can see the process failing. I’ll message the bot’s author at some point, unless it automatically rights itself (it often does).
I’ve read that the same tech stack is intended to be used for Lemmy. Given how impressive the performance of the linked site is, it suggests very promising things for when it’s implemented.
Just my dev instance.
(comment to use to make me a mod)
(comment to make me a mod)
Yeah - it’s what I use for testing stuff (it’s a bit underpowered though: 1 core CPU, 1 GB Ram). I made that comment partly to verify how it would be announced back to me from .world (except I forgot to subscribe first). Anyway, now is aware of me, and is very keen on telling me about accounts that have been deleted (I swear that site has deleted more accounts that could ever have been created).
I looked up out of interest (I realise you aren’t classifying it as generalist). Anyway: it says that the server is in France.
Also, if you’re able to lookup by IP instead of URL, you can bypass any CloudFlare confusion, and confirm that LW is hosted in Finland.
There you go, ! has finally appeared!