red nose energy

  • 25 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • As it happens, it organically goes down to who owns the platform. In our conversation if it could’ve happened IRL, there could be two parties of equal rights (to just leave?). In a context of, say, a D&D party or a small gathering\chat, roles are equal with some privilege to the one who collected people together. In the case of some public space on the internet, like a US-based Facebook (as per the article about eating cats), we have Meta’s oversight, then government’s oversight, then community’s admins oversight, then users’ own shit filter. And in the later case, it gets a bit more complicated because it’s established that we let that state use our agency for our own good, then we let a corporation take our agency in their own hands to dictate what it should be by registering on that platform, and then we participate in some community with it’s own rules and mods, and only then other people who can report one’s post to one of these previous ones. That’s how the delegation of opinion to other parties usually works.

    But your question is not about how it is, but how it should be. And for that I’d prefer to go down to the second level, when a club and it’s admins set up rules for communication of individuals on their platform, like a Lemmy instance, and users have a saying about how they see the future of their instance and a liberty to quit it. If that doesn’t fit you, you skip town and join another one, or create one yourself. That level of agency has it’s flaws, probably, but it’s better because less parties with different privileges are involved there, and you communicate with only admins and other users without that becoming too complicated.

    On the side note though, I need to note, that I as a foreigner from an absurdly conservative country started to refuse myself from using the f@g90t slur that is set deep inside my language to describe a lot of bad things casually. That is because I want to communicate with people and communities that don’t want it there, and as I don’t see any value in this particular slur, therefore I just adapt. I find that a couple of guys I work with wouldn’t like that either, because they are called that by people I despise and don’t want to be associated with. I don’t feel like researching the cases when I or them can call someone a f@g9ot, I just dropmit because people I personally care about find it uncomfrotable. And our language, just like a snake, keeps cliding on top of a dune changing it’s direction whenever most people of it’s users gets some new catchy word or retire an old word as unacceptable.

  • A policeman walks to the corner of the building and, distracted by his phone, clashes into an italian coming from the other side. Both fall on their asses confused. Then, out of nowhere, a hooded person appears and starts to attack an italian. A policeman stands up and pulls them apart, asks a hooded man what this is about. Looking geniunely frustrated, they answer: ‘I saw you and him, and I thought that it’s finally happening.

    There are a lot of variations of this anecdote* that, for me, puts it pretty great. A dire and exaggerated social situation creates a minority group of short-fused people who are just one inch from acting on their frustration and biases or\and even dreams, they just need a call to action or\and a guarantee they won’t be persecuted. And their orange monarch just mumbled something in his rant, accidentially this time unlike the Jan 6 coup attempt, and it enabled them to act. In spite of the nurturing the MAGA cult does to this group, they aren’t enough to cause a snowballing effect just yet, but the ripple effect of his another random bullshit rant shows they are listening and can do covert, sneaky shit to other humans after just a whistle. It’d take a long time for the US to recover from trumpism.

    * I believe the original one was about the nationalistic Black Hundreds and how they, enabled by tsarist police and the wealthy, started a string of chaotic pogroms, torching houses and hurting\killing hundreds of thousands.

  • Offtoping here for a little bit, but Kamala’s short campaign just 100 days before the elections feels more fitting to the media cycle. In a year almost everything can be forgotten, and when it comes to undecided, the closer your peak performance is to their actual vote means a lot. People get bored being fed the same thing for long, and if the stamina of the campaign is a finite resource, it’s better spent after the last corner because you get people still recall what you did at the polling booth.